[Ieee_vis_open_positions] Open PhD Position in Visualization at the University of Zürich

Renato Pajarola pajarola at ifi.uzh.ch
Mon Aug 15 12:10:10 CEST 2022

Open PhD Position in Uncertainty Visualization and Analysis of High-Resolution Numeric Weather Forecasts at the University of Zürich

Please refer to the attached document, or follow this link to the full description of the open position.

Link: http://www.ifi.uzh.ch/en/vmml/Open-Positions.html
PDF:  https://www.ifi.uzh.ch/dam/jcr:81b3014e-ad9f-43f4-a9d7-11d8f22cd9d1/SNF_SPIRIT.pdf

In the Visualization and MultiMedia Lab of the Department of Computer Science at the University of Zürich, there is a new open position for a research assistant in the PhD program in computer science with a focus on interactive visualization and analysis of numerical weather forecasts and their uncertainty.

The project requires strong interest not only in visualization and graphics, algorithms and data structures, but also in data processing and numerical methods. Furthermore, good software programming skills are required as well as a strong willingness and ability to learn new tools and mathematical methods. The ability to work with and extend existing software frameworks or 3rd-party code is highly recommended. Good C++ and Python skills are needed, as well as experience programming visualization or graphics applications.

Note that this is an interdisciplinary research project with partners from numerical weather simulation at the University of Buenos Aires. Therefore, regular interaction and collaboration with our Argentinian partners is a must, and there is the opportunity to visit our project partners in Argentina as part of this project.

A Master degree in computer science or closely related field with a strong CS component from an internationally recognized research university is required to enter the PhD program. A prior focus on visualization or computer graphics, as well as good math skills and experience in programming are also required.


Prof. Dr. Renato Pajarola
Visualization and MultiMedia Lab
Department of Informatics, University of Zürich

URL: http://vmml.ifi.uzh.ch/
Email: pajarola at ifi.uzh.ch
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