[Ieee_vis_open_positions] PhD Research position - Doktorand_innenstelle at HTW Berlin

Prof. Dr. Martin Spott Martin.Spott at HTW-Berlin.de
Thu Feb 17 14:43:50 CET 2022

Dear All, 

We have an open PhD research position to fill at HTW Berlin, the largest university of applied sciences in Berlin and one of the most renowned ones in Germany. Area of research is interactive exploratory data analysis combining techniques from the various branches of machine learning and visual analytics. 

Many organisations struggle to find the interesting nuggets in their data to help answer their business questions and support their decision making. Since they typically do not know what they are looking for, we cannot just apply standard statistical or machine learning techniques. Instead, the data needs to be explored iteratively, guided by the experience and intellect of people in the business and powered by machine learning to deal with large volumes of data. Interactive visual interfaces provide the glue between people and machines to enable a fruitful exchange of information. 

We do require the candidates to teach data science subjects in German (just over two hours a week during term) and they will partly support us in innovative teaching projects. 

Please find more information on https://www.htw-berlin.de/karriere/stellenmarkt/stellenangebote-an-der-htw-berlin/qualifikations-und-funktionsstellen/id-5032022-doktorand-in-im-forschungsschwerpunkt-maschinelles-lernen-und-visual-analytics-in-der-wirtschaftsinformatik/ and get in touch with me in case you have any questions. 

Deadline for the application is 6 March 2022. 

All the best, 


Prof. Dr. Martin Spott, Data Science
Wirtschaftsinformatik, Fachbereich 4
Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft (HTW) Berlin
Tel. +49 30 5019-3736
Treskowallee 8
10318 Berlin
Martin.Spott at HTW-Berlin.de | www.htw-berlin.de

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