[Ieee_vis_open_positions] Founded PhD position in Visual Analytics for Sports "the Sail Coach Cockpit"

Anna Vilanova Bartroli A.Vilanova at tudelft.nl
Fri Jan 18 10:47:39 CET 2019

Dear Colleagues,

We have a fully funded open PhD position at TUDelft in the group of computer graphics and visualization. In the field of visual analytics in sports in concrete for sailing. This is in a project in collaboration with the http://www.sailinginnovationcentre.nl/

Please distribute this message to possible interested candidates. We welcome applications until the 8th of February.

Thank you very much,


A. (Anna) Vilanova
Associate Professor

TU Delft / Faculty EEMCS
Computer Graphics and Visualization
Building 28 - 6. E160
Van Mourik Broekmanweg 6
2628 XE Delft

Postbox 5
2600 AA Delft
T +31 (0)15 27 83107
E A.Vilanova at tudelft.nl<mailto:A.Vilanova at tudelft.nl>

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