[afgn] Global Plant Council/SEB Plant Section Symposium on Stress Resilience - registration now open

Luise Brand luise.brand at uni-tuebingen.de
Fri Jul 3 15:17:24 CEST 2015

*GPC/SEB Plant Section Symposium on Stress Resilience, 23–25th October 2015, Foz do Iguacu, Brazil*

In collaboration with the Global Plant Council (GPC) <http://www.globalplantcouncil.org>, this SEB 
Symposium aims to bring together experts from across the world to discuss current research efforts 
in plant stress resilience, showcase new approaches and technologies and build new networks and 
collaborations that will contribute to global efforts to develop crops that are better able to deal 
with fluctuating and stressful environmental conditions.

Information about the Symposium can be found here: 
http://www.sebiology.org/meetings/Plant_Symposium_2015/Plant_2015.html, and the preliminary 
programme is here: http://www.sebiology.org/meetings/Plant_Symposium_2015/programme.html.

To register for the conference, please click here: 
http://www.sebiology.org/meetings/Plant_Symposium_2015/registration.html - register by 3rd September 
to save £100!

To submit an abstract for the meeting, please click here: 
http://www.sebiology.org/meetings/Plant_Symposium_2015/abstracts.html - the deadline for abstract 
submission is 21st August 2015.

This event immediately precedes the International Plant Molecular Biology 
<http://www.ipmb2015.org/> conference (25-30 October), also in Foz do Iguacu, which also includes 
several sessions on stress.

Please find attached a poster and a copy of the preliminary program - please do share with 
interested colleagues, and if you have any questions please contact GPC Executive Director Ruth 
Bastow: ruth at globalplantcouncil.org <mailto:ruth at globalplantcouncil.org>.

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