[Digital Literary Annotation Newslist] Digital Literary Annotation Newsletter No. 25

Annotating-literature annotating-literature at es.uni-tuebingen.de
Thu Oct 25 13:21:54 CEST 2018




The DEADLINE for the 15th International /Connotations/ Symposium  
(Tübingen, Summer 2019) with the topic “Understanding (Through)  
Annotations” has been EXTENDED to OCTOBER 31, 2018. Proposals (300  
words max.) can be sent to the editors of /Connotations/:  
symposium2019 at connotations.de.

We particularly encourage young scholars to submit a proposals as  
there will be a TRAVEL STIPEND for one among them for the most  
original paper abstract.


The Annotated Web Edition Directory[1] is looking forward to your  
suggestions. We are always on the look-out for new entries to add to  
the list. Feel free to recommend literary digital editions that  
include explanatory annotation (of the social or the editorial kind),  
web platforms, tools and applications that enable the user to  
(collaboratively) annotate texts. Please use the corresponding form on  
our webpage. We thank you for your help.



Submissions are due OCTOBER 31 for a special issue of Social  
Sciences [2]on the theme of "Big Data and the Human and Social  

CALL FOR PAPERS: Digital Stylistics in Romance Studies and Beyond  
[3] from February 27 – March 2, 2019  at Würzburg University, Germany.  
DEADLINE for abstracts is OCTOBER 31, 2018. Please send abstracts to  
the following address: digitalstylistics at uni-wuerzburg.de.

CALL FOR PAPERS for the 25th Annual ACMRS Conference[4]: Digital  
Humanities in Medieval and Renaissance Studies “Magic, Religion, and  
Science in the Global Middle Ages and Renaissance”, which will take  
place February 7-9, 2019 at the Embassy Suites Phoenix-Scottsdale  
Hotel. DEADLINE is NOVEMBER 1, 2018.

CALL FOR PAPERS for the 25th Annual ACMRS Conference Digital  
Humanities in Medieval and Renaissance Studies Magic, Religion, and  
Science in the Global Middle Ages and Renaissance[5] from February  
7-9, 2019 at the Embassy Suites Phoenix-Scottsdale Hotel. DEADLINE for  
submissions is NOVEMBER 1, 2018. Please send paper proposals including  
a title, one paragraph abstract, and brief biographical statement  
to acmrsDH at gmail.com.

International Conference: Digital Humanities. The Culture of Data[6]  
will be held at the Espacio Cultural Universitario (ECU) as well as  
the School of Humanities / Facultad de Humanidades (UNR) in Rosario,  
Province of Santa Fe, NOVEMBER 7-9, 2018.

The Association for Computers and the Humanities (ACH) is pleased to  
announce this CALL FOR PROPOSALS for ACH 2019, July 23-26 in  
Pittsburgh, PA. For CfP details please see website[7]. DEADLINE for  
the submissions is NOVEMBER 10, 2018. To submit go to submission  

CALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONS for the /Journal of Interactive Technology and  
Pedagogy/. Submission DEADLINE for full manuscripts is NOVEMBER 15,  
2018. Please view submission guidelines[9] on the journal website.

The Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations[10] (ADHO) INVITES  
SUBMISSION OF PROPOSALS for its annual conference with the theme  
“Complexities” (9-12 July 2019, Utrecht, Netherlands). Deadline for  
proposals is NOVEMBER 27, 2018.  Proposal must be submitted  
via conftool[11].

The /Journal of the Japanese Association for Digital Humanities[12]/  
is inviting submissions for Volume 4 of their Journal. DEADLINE for  
proposals is NOVEMBER 30, 2018. To submit your paper, please follow  
the link[13].

CALL FOR PAPERS for Digital Diasporas: Interdisciplinary  
Perspectives[14] on June 6-7, 2019  at the School of Advanced Study,  
Senate House (University of London). The deadline for submissions is  
DECEMBER 1, 2018.

CALL FOR PAPERS for a special issue of  /Internet Histories: Digital  
Technology, Culture and Society/. DEADLINE is DECEMBER 7, 2018. For  
more information on the journal see website[15].

CALL FOR PAPERS for the “Workshop on Scholarly Digital Editions, Graph  
Data-Models and Semantic Web Technologies[16]” at the Université de  
Lausanne (June 3-4, 2019) is now open. DEADLINE is DECEMBER 9, 2018.

CALL FOR PAPERS for the Symposium on “Wovon sprechen wir, wenn wir von  
Digitalisierung sprechen? Gehalte und Revisionen zentraler Begriffe  
des Digitalen[17]” (Bayreuth, Germany, 13-15 February 2019). The  

Call for Papers: LIINC Journal invites scholars to submit articles for  
their dossier "Digital Humanities: views from the South." For more  
information on the rules of article submission see website[18].  
DEADLINE for submissions is JANUARY 31, 2019.

The 2019 conference of the association Digital Humanities in Nordic  
Countries[19] will be held in COPENHAGEN MARCH 6–8, 2019. The  
submission website will be published soon; questions can be mailed to  
Costanza at hum.ku.dk[20] (please put DHN2019 in the subject line).



Registration for DHCS 2018[21] at Loyola University (November 9-11,  
2018) is open now!



Call for participation in the Open Knowledge Practicum program for the  
upcoming Spring term (January-April, 2019). Participants are invited  
to pursue their own research topic in the Electronic Textual Cultures  
Lab (ETCL) and will have the opportunity to share their findings in  
open, public venues. For more information see website[22].
The Leibniz-Institut für Europäische Geschichte is offering a  
post-doc position[23]. The deadline is 31 OCTOBER 2018.
The Deutsches Dokumentationszentrum für Kunstgeschichte (Marburg) is  
looking for an IT programmer[24]. The deadline is 2 NOVEMBER 2018.
The Berlin-Brandenburgische   Akademie   der   Wissenschaften is a  
research fellow[25] for its /Zentrum für digitale Lexikographie der  
deutschen Sprache/. The deadline is 2 NOVEMBER 2018.
The Technische Informationsbibliothek Hannover is hiring a project  
assistant[26] in the field of specialised thesauri. The deadline is 16  



The journal /American Quarterly /has just released its 2018 special  
issue titled "Toward a Critically Engaged Digital Practice: American  
Studies and the Digital Humanities[27]."

Check out Simone Murray’s latest book on the book industry and online  
literary culture: /The Digital Literary Sphere: Reading, Writing, and  
Selling Books in the Internet Era[28]//./

First Monday's [29]issue on "Paper vs. Screen Reading"  presents an  
article that explores the bodily differences between reading on paper  
and on screen.


[1] http://www.annotation.es.uni-tuebingen.de/?page_id=215
[4] https://acmrs.org/conferences/annual-acmrs-conference
[6] https://www.aacademica.org/congreso.aahd2018
[7] http://ach2019.ach.org/cfp/cfp-call-for-participation-en/
[8] https://www.conftool.org/ach2019/
[9] https://jitp.commons.gc.cuny.edu/submit/
[10] http://www.adho.org/
[11] https://www.conftool.pro/dh2019/
[12] https://www.jadh.org/journals2/index.php/jjadh
[13] https://www.jadh.org/journals2/index.php
[15] https://www.tandfonline.com/loi/rint20.
[16] http://wp.unil.ch/graphsde
[17] https://dhd-blog.org/?p=10601
[19] https://cst.dk/DHN2019/DHN2019.html
[20] http://hum.ku.dk/
[21] http://www.dhcs2018.com
[22] https://etcl.uvic.ca/about/
[23] https://dhd-blog.org/?p=10614
[28] https://jhupbooks.press.jhu.edu/content/digital-literary-sphere
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