[Ieee_vis_open_positions] PhD/PostDoc Position in Computer Graphics (3D Facial Modeling) - Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB)

Zachow, Stefan zachow at zib.de
Tue Apr 4 16:51:20 CEST 2023

At Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB) we are offering a research position (m/f/d),
pay grade: E 13 / E 14 TV-L Berlin (100 %).


In an interdisciplinary research project, funded within the DFG SPP "The
Active Self", we are investigating the ability of humans to cognitively
control resonance in social relationships based on verbal and non-verbal
communication. Together with psychologists and cognitive scientists, we are
designing and developing new experimental methods to explore how the
similarity between interaction partners impacts social phenomena like
mimicry. These experiments are based on avatar-mediated video communication
with real-time manipulation of various parameters of the interaction,
including an avatar's facial appearance and behavior. 


The complete job advertisement can be found here:


Best regards


   Stefan Zachow



Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB)

- Mathematics for Life and Materials Sciences

  - Visual & Data-centric Computing

  - Computational Diagnosis & Therapy Planning

  - Computational Anatomy & Physiology


Tel.  +49 30 84185-275

PGP Fingerprint: 73BF 30B3 DE95 FF6F 0667  7301 0414 6168 D677 312A



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