[Ieee_vis_open_positions] Research Associate position for Visual Data Analysis in the Climate Sciences

Rautenhaus, Marc marc.rautenhaus at uni-hamburg.de
Wed Aug 3 16:36:14 CEST 2022

Dear colleagues,

We are offering a research associate position for visual data analysis in the climate sciences, within the Cluster of Excellence "Climate, Climatic Change, and Society (CLICCS)". Focus will be put on developing climate-research-motivated methods to enable interactive visual analysis of very large spatio-temporal datasets from climate simulations and observations with our open-source visualization framework “Met.3D”. This position is perfect for someone interested in contributing to open-source research software. The position is available for about three years and suitable either to pursue a PhD or for a PostDoc. Please see the official announcement at https://www.uni-hamburg.de/stellenangebote/ausschreibung.html?jobID=4832538a9754f4360ce57e0e60e66930f9393238

Best regards,
Marc Rautenhaus

Dr. Marc Rautenhaus

Universität Hamburg, Regionales Rechenzentrum
Abteilungsleiter, Visual Data Analysis Group
Schlüterstrasse 70, 20146 Hamburg, Germany

Tel.: +49 40 42838 7339
Email: marc.rautenhaus[at]uni-hamburg.de


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