[Ieee_vis_open_positions] Fully funded PhD or PostDoc Position in Visual Computing at Ulm University

Timo Ropinski timo.ropinski at uni-ulm.de
Fri Mar 4 14:28:58 CET 2022

We have a fully funded PhD or PostDoc position in visual computing at Ulm
University to start soon. If you are interested in research in visual
computing (especially, computer graphics, visualization, machine learning,
virtual reality), you can find more details here:

Best wishes,
   Timo Ropinski.

Prof. Dr. Timo Ropinski
Visual Computing Group | http://viscom.uni-ulm.de
Institute of Media Informatics, Ulm University

email: timo.ropinski at uni-ulm.de | room: O27/3208
address: James-Franck-Ring | 89081 Ulm | Germany
phone: +49 (0)731 / 50-24200 | +49 (0)731 / 50-31321 (secr.)
fax: +49 (0)731 / 50-31302
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