[Ieee_vis_open_positions] Visualization REU Summer 2017

Meghan Haley cfp at vgtc.org
Sat Oct 22 01:40:45 CEST 2016

Clemson University invites undergraduates from all disciplines to apply for a paid 8 weeks summer REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates) program in Visualization. 

Program Dates: June 5 – July 28, 2017 
Link to REU Application: http://visualization.sites.clemson.edu/ <http://visualization.sites.clemson.edu/>
The program identifies research collaborators with visualization needs and assigns each student to a REU team. Each REU Team consists of a research/science collaborator, a visualization mentor and a visualization REU student. This arrangement fosters collaboration among team members, an appreciation of the visualization process and an understanding of the role visualization plays in discovery and analysis. Research areas of this site include: computer science, genetics and biochemistry, geophysics, sociology, molecular modeling and simulation, inorganic chemistry, social media, parks recreation tourism management, biological sciences, digital humanities and much more. Students will participate in activities as a member of their REU Team, their Research Lab, and their REU cohort thereby creating a rich, multidisciplinary research experience that will include enrichment lectures, excursions and social events.

In addition to the exposure to cutting edge research, students selected to participate will receive a travel stipend for one round trip to and from Clemson, a housing allowance, a stipend to cover living expenses and access to research faculty and cyberinfrastructure resources to help facilitate their success in the program.
This REU Site is sponsored by NSF ACI Grant No. 1359223 <https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=1359223> and is being directed and coordinated by Dr Wole Oyekoya <http://www.wolex.com/>.

Please feel free to forward this email.

Wole Oyekoya, PhD
Director of Visualization
Clemson Computing and Information Technology (CCIT)
Clemson University
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