[Ieee_vis_open_positions] Computer Scientist in Interactive Visualization at DLR

Andreas.Gerndt at dlr.de Andreas.Gerndt at dlr.de
Tue Sep 15 09:11:17 CEST 2015

Investigation of Interactive Methods for Scientific Visualization
and Virtual Reality in Aerospace Applications

Your Mission:
We are looking for scientists for our working groups in scientific
visualization and virtual reality (VR). Your tasks would be manifold and
would address topics like:
 - Extraction and visualization of topological features in flow field
simulation datasets (vector field) and for material science (tensor fields)
 - In-situ processing of running simulations on massive parallel
high-performance computers
 - Multi-resolution visualization of terrain and atmospheric data in
immersive environments
 - Photo-realistic rendering of rover simulations on planet and comet
 - Virtual assembly simulation for on-orbit servicing of satellites
 - Unsteady, illustrative 3D visualization of geometry data and mechatronics
simulations (e.g. power simulation) for the next generation high-speed train

If you feel at home in the development of scientific applications in those
topics and you are always looking for big challenges to tackle, than this
position could be the right one for you. We are always looking for highly
motivated people who want to make our teams even stronger. We also want to
motivate more women to work in our scientific domain. Part time is also
possible. And the freedom is offered to bring in own ideas and research
topics which have the potential to solve our mission. Therefore, a PhD might
be useful but is not a prerequisite. Eventually, we are looking for people
initiating new research projects and who are eager to publish their
scientific results on international conferences and in scientific journals.

Desired Qualifications:
 - Well-grounded knowledge in Scientific Visualization (e.g. particle
tracing, topological feature extraction, volume rendering)
 - Practical experiences in developing multi-resolution data structures and
data streaming concepts for distributed computer systems
 - Deep knowledge in interactive post-processing of scientific datasets
 - Experiences in developing methods for human-computer interfaces in
immersive environments
 - Good basic knowledge about virtual reality techniques (stereo projection,
tracking, multi-modalities, etc.)
 - Basic understanding how to program high-performance computers (e.g. by
means of MPI, OpenMP, OpenACC)
 - Skills in software development for LINUX

Required Qualifications:
 - You have a Master or PhD in Computer Science or in a similar research
 - You are an expert in object-oriented software development (preferably
with C++).
 - You know Software Engineering methods (UML, Test-Driven-Development,
Continuous Integration, etc.) very well.
 - You possess the knowledge in programming GPUs (e.g. with OpenGL, Shader
Techniques, CUDA).
 - You are a team player, creative, and able to work independent and
 - You are fluent in spoken and written English (knowledge of German is an

Your Start:
More information about the open job position can be found on the job portal
of DLR:
For your application, please use the following link:

Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR) 
German Aerospace Center
Simulation and Software Technology | Software for Space Systems and
Interactive Visualization | Lilienthalplatz 7 | 38108 Braunschweig | Germany

Dr. Andreas Gerndt | Deputy Head of Institute | Head of Department
Telephone +49 531 295-2782 | Mobile +49 172 235-6701 | Telefax +49 531
295-2767 | andreas.gerndt at dlr.de

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