[Ieee_vis_open_positions] Post-doctoral researcher position in Scientific Visualization -- Sorbonne Universites UPMC, Paris, France

Julien Tierny julien.tierny at lip6.fr
Fri Oct 9 15:26:04 CEST 2015

The computer science department of Sorbonne Universites UPMC (Paris, France) 
invites applications for one post-doctoral researcher in the field of scientific 
visualization, to conduct research in the area of large ensemble (or 
uncertain) data analysis and visualization with topological and/or numerical 

We are seeking a highly motivated postdoctoral fellow! Curiosity, open-mind, 
creativity, persistence, professionalism, responsibility, and collaborative-
work ability are the key personal skills we target. A Ph.D. in computer 
science (or applied mathematics) is required, with demonstrated experience and 
a quality publication record on one or several of the following topics:
- scientific visualization, 
- image processing, 
- geometry processing, 
- computational topology/geometry, 
- computer graphics, 
- shape analysis, 
- uncertainty models in imaging.
The successful candidate should have advanced programming skills (C++ 
preferred) with experience with visualization/computer graphics APIs (OpenGL, 
VTK, etc.). A good background in mathematics is required (with optional 
knowledge in computational topology and optimal transportation). Fluency in 
French is absolutely _NOT_ required, however fluency in English is mandatory.
Both beginning and more senior postdoctoral candidates are encouraged to 

The successful candidate will work in direct collaboration with researchers 
having an established expertise in visualization, topological analysis, image 
processing, applied mathematics, scientific computing and uncertainty models 
(see the links to the investigators' webpages below). In the context of this 
research project, the candidate will also have the opportunity to interact 
with several external collaborators and data-set providers, including 
industrial and academic institutions in France and worldwide that are highly 
involved in scientific visualization. The candidate will be part of the 
Scientific Computing Division of the Computer Science Department (LIP6) of 
Sorbonne Universites UPMC. The LIP6 lab is a unique environment where 
innovative, multidisciplinary, and foundational research is conducted on 
topics ranging from communication systems and networking, to scientific 
computing and visualization. Sorbonne Universites UPMC (aka Universite Pierre 
et Marie Curie, Universite Paris 6, Jussieu) is the scientific campus of 
Sorbonne Universites, one of the most prestigious academic institutions in 
France. The candidate will be given the opportunity to develop his/her 
research skills and to contribute to the development of the visualization axis 
within the lab, with possible teaching opportunities as well as student 

Sorbonne Universites UPMC is one of the few campuses that still benefit from a 
downtown location within the beautiful city of Paris (5th district, across the 
river from Notre Dame). Subway stations are located within walking distance. 
Student housing facilities (with furnished studios and apartments) are located 

Applicants are invited to submit a cover letter, their curriculum vitae 
(including their full publication record), as well as reference letters by 
email to Julien Tierny (julien dot tierny at lip6 dot fr) and Julie Delon 
(julie dot delon at parisdescartes dot fr).
The deadline for the application submission is set to June, 30th 2016 but a 
preferred start date would be April 2016.

Candidates are encouraged to contact Julien Tierny (julien dot tierny at lip6 
dot fr) and Julie Delon (julie dot delon at parisdescartes dot fr) for further 
discussions or any practical question. 


* Updated offer webpage:
- http://lip6.fr/Julien.Tierny/stuff/openPositions/postDocPosition2015.html

* Research project investigators
- Julien Tierny: http://lip6.fr/Julien.Tierny
- Julie Delon: https://delon.wp.mines-telecom.fr/

* Affiliations:
- Sorbonne Universites UPMC:  
- Computer Science Department (LIP6):

* Housing:
- Cite Universitaire Internationale (furnished apartments):

* City of Paris:
- Wikipedia entry: 
- Public transportation: 

Dr Julien Tierny
CNRS Researcher
Sorbonne Universites UPMC - LIP6

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