[Ieee_vis] [ISMAR 2024] Call for Student Volunteers

ISMAR 2024 ismarconf24 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 15 05:33:18 CEST 2024

ISMAR 2024 Call for Student Volunteers



Become a Student Volunteer

Whether your first or nth attendance at a scientific gathering you will
quickly come to realize that student volunteers are a critical component of
their success! As such, ISMAR is calling for friendly and responsive
volunteers to help us with the 2024 edition of this conference.

Volunteers help by being the friendly, helpful and hard-working face of the
event, taking on frontline tasks such as; managing the registration desk,
helping set up demo sessions, providing on-site support to the organizing
committee, assisting speakers during presentations, supporting as virtual
event moderators, providing session support to virtual attendees, and more.

As last year, ISMAR 2024 will be hosted in hybrid mode. Therefore, while
our volunteers will all be on-site, their tasks may include opportunities
in both modalities.

Why You Should Volunteer

Don’t know how to start a conversation with that Professor you read every
paper from? It’s easier when you have to register and welcome them to the

Participating as a student volunteer gives you unique networking
opportunities with our attendees, from young local and international
researchers to world leaders in mixed and augmented reality. Volunteering
for ISMAR 2024 is also an opportunity to gain academic service experience
–an often-critical component of post graduate work–, and valuable hands-on
experience for future scientific event organization.

Phrased differently, this is an opportunity to help shape the events of an
international conference!

In addition to the experience, we recognize your time and effort
contributions (see Expectations below) to delivering a smooth event by
waiving your conference registration fee. Students also receive the same
benefits as other conference attendees.

Important note: The registration fee waiver for student volunteers cannot
be used to register a publication. If you are selected as a student
volunteer, and your work has been accepted for presentation at ISMAR 2024,
one of your co-authors must register for the conference and pay the author
registration fee.

Selection Guidelines and Eligibility

We encourage all undergraduate or postgraduate students with a keen
interest in cutting edge virtual, mixed and augmented reality research to
apply. Further, submissions help us, the Committee, gain valuable feedback
on our processes and the Student experience that may inform future events.
However, we acknowledge that Student Volunteer positions are often highly
competitive as we receive many strong applications every year for the
limited available positions so do not be disheartened if you are not

To join the ISMAR team as a volunteer you must be enrolled as a PhD,
Masters, or full-time undergraduate student at the time of the conference
(October 21-25, 2024). A proportion of positions will be prioritized for
international students traveling from outside the North America region to
present their research, but all applicants are welcome (even if they are
not presenting).

The following additional considerations will influence volunteer selection:
- Selection for presentation at ISMAR 2024.
- Preference is given to PhD, then masters, then undergraduate students.
(However, we still encourage everyone to apply).
- Good communication skills in English.
- Previous experience in event organization is desired but not required
(on-site or virtual).
- The number of volunteers from each region, institution, and research
group may be balanced to ensure broad participation.
- Underrepresented groups are especially encouraged to apply.


Volunteers will be required to:
- Participate in an orientation session in the week before the event.
- Online student volunteers will be asked to attend training sessions and
support attendees in the week before the event.
- For on-site student volunteers, it is necessary to arrive at the
conference not later than October 19.
- Work up to 20 hours (around 4 hours a day).
- Show up on time for their assigned tasks.

Important Deadlines

- Submission Deadline: August 30, 2024 (23:59 AoE)
- Notification: September 15, 2024 (23:59 AoE)

How to apply

To apply to be a student volunteer, please fill out the application form

Contact Information

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us
through email at sv_chairs at ieeeismar.org
We look forward to meeting and working with you!

The ISMAR 2024 Student Volunteers Chair(s)
Ahmad Zareei, Research Scientist, Meta Reality Labs, USA
Prasanth Sasikumar, Research Fellow, National University of Singapore,
Alexander Stamenkovic, Managing Scientist, J.S. Held, LLC, USA
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