[Ieee_vis] Call for Papers: IEEE CG&A Special Issue on Metaverse: Technologies for Virtual Worlds

Thomas Wischgoll thomas.wischgoll at wright.edu
Sat Apr 2 03:32:11 CEST 2022

IEEE CG&A seeks submissions for this upcoming special issue.
Submissions due: 15 August 2022

Publication: March/April 2023


Virtual worlds can be a powerful tool for a variety of applications, 
including education, visualization, collaboration, and entertainment. 
Some of these virtual worlds utilize augmented reality (AR), virtual 
reality (VR), or extended reality (XR); others use Web 3.0 technologies. 
These virtual worlds can be isolated or interconnected within a 
metaverse, and some can even use blockchain technologies to enforce 
permanent records of, for example, ownership of part of the virtual 

This special issue of IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications seeks 
high-quality articles on a variety of technologies for such virtual 
worlds, including AR, VR, and XR as well as Web 3.0 and blockchain to 
support applications of these virtual worlds for training or education, 
visualization, collaboration, or entertainment. In addition, frameworks 
and tools that support the development of applications for virtual 
worlds are also of great interest. Due to the support provided by 
different environments and for different devices, these applications and 
frameworks could build on game engines, such as Unity or Unreal; use web 
technologies, such as WebXR and Web 3.0; or use a stand-alone approach 
to natively support the virtual world and the devices to access the 
virtual world ranging from web browsers, hand-held devices, and 
head-mounted displays to full-scale CAVE-type systems. Topics of 
interest include:

- Simulation environments for virtual worlds
- Web-based technologies for virtual worlds
- Blockchain technologies to support ownership in virtual worlds
- Multi-scale network environments for virtual worlds
- Collaborative environments for virtual worlds
- Frameworks for multi-user virtual worlds
- Virtual worlds to support learning and training
- Virtual worlds that support maintenance or other tasks
- Virtual worlds for visualization

Submission Guidelines:

For author information and guidelines on submission criteria, visit the 
CG&A Author Information page. Please submit papers through the 
ScholarOne system, and be sure to select the special-issue name. 
Manuscripts should not be published or currently submitted for 
publication elsewhere. Please submit only full papers intended for 
review, not abstracts, to the ScholarOne portal.

Contact the guest editors at cga2-2023 at computer.org.

Guest Editors:

Thomas Wischgoll, Wright State University, Ohio, USA
Gerik Scheuermann, Leipzig University, Germany
Herbert Schilling, NASA Glenn, Ohio, USA
Andre Stork, Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Research IGD, 
Darmstadt, Germany

Thomas Wischgoll
NCR Endowed Chair - Professor for Computer Science and Engineering
Director of Data Science
Wright State University

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