[Ieee_vis] Call for Submissions: WHPC workshop at SC'21-- in person and virtual participation

Mariam Umar mariamuk at vt.edu
Thu Aug 19 20:10:33 CEST 2021

SC21: WHPC Workshop - Call for lightning talks

Call for lightning talks:


**Women in HPC at SC21: Diversifying the HPC Community and Engaging Male

                        Sunday, 14th November, 9AM – 5:30PM CST

Call for Participation

The 12th annual international Women in HPC workshop will be held in
conjunction with the Supercomputing conference (SC21), at St. Louis, MO,
USA. Once again Women in HPC, our advocates, allies, supporters, and anyone
interested in improving diversity across the HPC community is welcome to
join us to discuss the challenges the community faces. Activities will
bring together women and male allies from across the international HPC and
extended community, provide opportunities to network, showcase the work of
inspiring women, and discuss how we can all work towards improving the
under-representation of women in supercomputing. Previous Women in HPC
workshops at SC have been great successes, with over 150 attendees in the
past year, and many submissions from early/mid-career women in the past two

As part of the workshop, we invite submissions from women to present their
research in the HPC, AI, ML domain to the HPC community as a
short/lightning talk. This is a great opportunity to interact with leading
experts and employers across the HPC community from both academia and
industry and discuss your work with them. We encourage women who are in
their ‘early career’ (i.e. pursuing a graduate degree or within five years
of graduation) to participate, however this opportunity is open to help
everyone who feels they may benefit from presenting their work,
irrespective of career stage.

Each submission will be reviewed by a committee and authors shall receive
2-4 sets of review comments as feedback along with instructions needed to
prepare for the talk and associate materials prior to the workshop.

Submissions for the talks are comprised of a two-page submission with
preliminary results, in any areas including but not limited to:


   High performance computing

   Data science

   Machine learning/AI

   Big data

   Languages and runtimes


Authors will be expected to give a short lightning talk (5 minutes) at the

Benefit of Participating:


   Networking: build your HPC network, meet peers and potential employers

   Advice and mentoring: Receive expert advice and mentorship to help
   prepare for your presentation, including slides, how to structure a
   lightning talk for effective communication and how to make the most of the
   networking time afterwards.


All submitted abstracts should emphasize the computational aspects of the
work, such as the facilities used, the challenges that HPC, ML/AI can help
address and any additional research highlights etc. As an author you will
have the opportunity to share your work with the workshop audience in a
brief ‘elevator pitch’ talk.

Depending on whether the SC workshops are held in person or in a hybrid
capacity this year, if accepted, those participants attending in person
will have the opportunity to present a short 5-6 minute talk. Those
participants attending the workshop virtually will be asked to submit a 5-6
minute video presentation ahead of time, which will be shown during the
lightning talk session. Detailed instructions on how to prepare the video
will be provided at a later time.

To submit your extended abstract (2 page) please prepare the following
and submit
via the SC21 Linklings submission site
<http://submissions.supercomputing.org/> – make sure your choose ‘SC21
Workshop: Women in HPC’:


   Author/presenter information (For all authors):

      first and last name

      Current institution(s)

      short biography (max 300 words)


      photograph for website publicity.

   Lightning talk information



   Two-page submission with extended abstract (up to 500 words) and
   preliminary results

Please use the standard fonts/formatting in the ACM conference proceedings
template (https://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template).
Submissions should be a maximum of two (2) pages, not including references.

Important Dates


   Submission Deadline: September 8th, 2021

   Notification of acceptance: October 1st, 2021

   Camera Ready: October 7th, 2021

If you have questions please contact Mariam Umar mariam.umar at intel.com, or
Rey Wang ruinwang at amazon.com.

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