[Ieee_vis] LDAV 2021 Posters - Deadline Extended to August 22, 2021

S Frey s.d.frey at rug.nl
Sat Aug 14 09:51:38 CEST 2021

Data scales are increasing throughout scientific, business, and research contexts. Large-scale scientific simulations, observation technologies, sensor networks, and experiments are generating enormous datasets, with some projects approaching the multiple exabyte range in the near term.

Gaining insight from massive data is critical for disciplines such as climate science, nuclear physics, security, materials design, transportation, urban planning, and so on. Business-critical decisions are made based on massive data in domains like social media, machine learning, software telemetry, and business intelligence. The tools and approaches needed to search, analyze, and visualize data at extreme scales can be fully realized only from end-to-end solutions, and with collective, interdisciplinary efforts.

The 11th IEEE Large Scale Data Analysis and Visualization (LDAV) symposium, to be held in conjunction with IEEE VIS 2021, is specifically targeting methodological innovation, algorithmic foundations, and possible end-to-end solutions. The LDAV symposium will bring together domain experts, data analysts, visualization researchers, and users to foster common ground for solving both near- and long-term problems.

We invite you to submit unpublished work to the IEEE LDAV 2021 Poster Program. It is a venue designed to highlight ongoing research and late breaking topics that have produced promising preliminary results. The poster program will be a great opportunity for the authors to interact with the symposium attendees and solicit feedback.

The poster program also welcomes submissions that showcase successful stories of applying visualization to large-scale data intensive applications, and highlights of recent visualization work presented or published in another venue.

# Important Dates
Two-page Poster Paper Submission
August 22, 2021, 11:59 PM (AOE)

Author Notification
August 26, 2021

Camera-Ready Deadline
September 3, 2021

October 25, 2021

# Poster 2-Page Summary Submission Instructions  
Interested authors should submit a two-page summary that describes the underlying problem, the proposed method, and preliminary results. Accepted summaries will be included in the symposium proceedings. The format of the summary will be the same as the format used for the regular paper submission. Poster authors are encouraged, but not required, to include a draft or sketch of the poster layout and content in their submission. This would help reviewers and show that the poster format is used effectively. The draft poster should be in PDF format. The authors should indicate if they would like the poster to be accompanied by an on-site demonstration and/or videos. Such demo/video presentations have to be self-organized.

Submitted summaries may not exceed the maximum of two pages in length including references. The summary should be formatted according to guidelines available on the IEEE VGTC Website.

Submission Site: Go to the submission site, log in, go to ‘Submissions’, and select

Society: ‘VGTC’
Conference: ‘LDAV 2021’
Track: ‘LDAV 2021 Posters’.
Layout and Dimensions of the Posters
The dimensions of the posters should not exceed the A0 portrait space (841mm x 1189mm or 33.1” x 46.8”). The poster authors can determine the layout by themselves, but please be sure to follow the dimensions described above.

# Best Poster Award
The LDAV Program Committee will award the Best Poster Award to the authors whose submission is deemed the strongest according to the reviewing criteria. This award will be announced at the event.

# Plagiarism
All submissions must be either: 1) original work that has not been presented previously at any workshop, symposium, or conference, or published previously in any archived conference proceeding, magazine, or journal; or 2) a summary that highlights work presented or published in a related venue with a clear statement of attribution to the original work.

At the time of submission, it is required by the authors to state explicitly in the submission form that the submitted work is the work by the authors themselves, or is a summary of previously presented/published work with clear attribution. Plagiarism in any form is unacceptable and will lead to a removal of the submission from the review process. For more information, please see the IEEE plagiarism FAQ and the IEEE Publication Services and Products Board Operations Manual.

# Poster Co-chairs
Steffen Frey, University of Groningen, Netherlands
Silvio Rizzi, Argonne National Laboratory, USA

Contact: ldav21b at precisionconference.com

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