[Ieee_vis] IEEE VIS2015: Visual Data Science Symposium CFP: deadline July 1st

VIS2015 cfp at vgtc.org
Thu Jun 11 06:01:20 CEST 2015




http://ieeevis.org/ [1]



25-30 October 2015


Chicago, Illinois, USA


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VISUAL DATA SCIENCE SYMPOSIUM:  Contact: contact at visualdatascience.org [4]
 Important dates:

	* JULY 1, 2015 5:00PM PST: Submission of Short Papers (4-6 pages) and
	* September 4, 2015: Author Notification
	* September 18, 2015: Camera Ready Submission and Copyright Forms

The symposium will feature a series of invited presentations by leading
data scientists covering visualization in data science. In addition, there
will be short paper presentations and a poster session.


Paper submissions should be 4-6 pages and describe the role, application,
and impact of visualization in data science. We would like to particularly
encourage papers that cross disciplinary boundaries and show how
visualization in data science can be a catalyst for discovery. Papers will
be published on the symposium website and will be included on the VIS USB
stick. We consider papers as work in progress and encourage authors to
publish an improved version of the paper in a journal or at another venue
at a later time.


Paper submissions will be managed by the Program Chairs and sent to
external reviewers to evaluate the work’s novelty and significance. You
have the option to have your work reviewed via a double-blind process; to
do this, simply be sure to exclude all identifying information in the
submitted manuscript file, ensuring that the reviewers will not know the
identify of the authors. Otherwise, the review process will be
single-blind, i.e., the reviewers will know the identity of the authors,
but the authors will not know the identity of the reviewers.


Please format your submission according to the VGTC formatting guidelines

To submit a paper please use the Precision Conference System [6]. After
logging in go to “new submissions” and select “Submit to Papers”
for VDS 2015.


Submissions consist of a brief 250-word abstract and one supporting image
that summarizes your work. You must present a corresponding poster during
the designated poster session, and are encouraged to incorporate a demo or
video into your presentation. You also have the opportunity to give a brief
oral preview during a plenary ‘fast forward’ session. We encourage
submission of work in progress and preliminary results, previously
published work from other venues, and visualization challenges relevant to
data science.


Poster submissions will be reviewed for relevance and interest to the data
science community by the program chairs.


Poster submissions consist of a 250 word textual abstract and a supporting
image (required). Optionally, you can also submit a link to a short video
or other supplementary material such as software.

Accepted poster submissions will be asked to prepare a poster and present
it on the day of the symposium.

Please e-mail your submission to contact at visualdatascience.org [7] before
the submission deadline.
Symposium Chairs

	* Daniel Keim [8], University of Konstanz
	* Hanspeter Pfister [9], Harvard University
	* Claudio Silva [10], New York University



	* Alexander Lex [11], Harvard University
	* Marc Streit [12], Johannes Kepler University


Message sent via Atmail Open - http://atmail.org/

[1] http://ieeevis.org/
[2] https://twitter.com/ieeevis
[3] https://www.facebook.com/ieeevis
[4] mailto:contact at visualdatascience.org
[5] http://junctionpublishing.org/vgtc/Tasks/camera.html
[6] https://precisionconference.com/~vds15/
[7] mailto:contact at visualdatascience.org
[8] http://www.vis.uni-konstanz.de/mitglieder/keim/
[9] http://www.seas.harvard.edu/directory/pfister
[10] http://vgc.poly.edu/~csilva/
[11] http://alexander-lex.com/
[12] http://marc-streit.com/
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