[Ieee_vis] CFP: Workshop on Eye Tracking and Visualization (ETVIS 2015) at IEEE VIS

Daniel Weiskopf Daniel.Weiskopf at visus.uni-stuttgart.de
Wed Jun 10 10:57:11 CEST 2015


* First Workshop on Eye Tracking and Visualization (ETVIS 2015) * 

(In conjunction with IEEE VIS 2015, Oct 25th (tentative date), Chicago, IL)

Website: www.etvis.org

*** Paper submission deadline: July 26th, 2015 ***


There is a growing interest in eye tracking as a research method in many communities, including information visualization, scientific visualization, visual analytics, but also in human-computer interaction, applied perception, psychology, cognitive science, security, and mixed reality. Progress in hardware technology and the reduction of costs for eye tracking devices have made this analysis technique accessible to a large population of researchers. Recording the observer's gaze can reveal how dynamic graphical displays are visually accessed and which information are processed in real time. Nonetheless, standardized practices for technical implementations and data interpretation remain unresolved. With this Workshop on Eye Tracking and Visualization (ETVIS), we intend to build a community of eye tracking researchers within the visualization community, covering information visualization, scientific visualization, and visual analytics. We also aim to establish connections to related fields, in particular, in human-computer interaction, cognitive science, and psychology. This will promote a robust exchange of established practices and innovative use scenarios.

Submitted papers should be formatted according to TVCG guidelines. 
Details and guidelines for preparing a proper submission can be found at http://junctionpublishing.org/vgtc/Tasks/camera_tvcg.html. 
The page limit is 4 pages plus 1 additional page for references.


This workshop will cover topics that are related to visualization research (including information visualization, scientific visualization, and visual analytics) and eye tracking. 

Aspects discussed in this workshop include the following topics with an emphasis on the relationship between eye tracking and visualization:

* Visualization and visual analytics techniques for eye movement data (including spatio-temporal visualization, evolution of gaze patterns, visual analysis of participant behavior, visualization of static and dynamic stimuli, 2D vs. 3D representations of eye movement data)
* Visual gaze and eye movement data analysis, including visual data mining, aggregation, clustering techniques, and metrics for eye movement data
* Eye movement data provenance, big eye movement data
* Uncertainty quantification and visualization of gaze data
* Interactive annotation of gaze and stimulus data
* Systems for visual exploration of eye movement data
* Reports of eye tracking studies evaluating visualization or visual analytics
* Eye tracking in non-WIMP visualization environments, including mobile eye tracking, mobile devices, virtual environments, mixed reality, and large displays
* Eye tracking-based interaction techniques for visualization
* Interpreting eye movement scanpaths from the perspective of human cognitive architecture and perceptuo-motor expertise
* Perception in eye tracking studies
* Inferences that can be drawn from gaze behavior
* Applications


* Paper submission deadline: 26-July-2015
* Notification sent to authors: 1-September-2015
* Workshop (tentative date): 25-October-2015 (at IEEE VIS Conference)


* Daniel Weiskopf, University of Stuttgart
* Michael Burch, University of Stuttgart
* Lewis Chuang, Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Tuebingen
* Brian Fisher, Simon Fraser University
* Albrecht Schmidt, University of Stuttgart

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