[Ieee_vis] EuroRV3 2015 - Reproducibility in Practice - Call for Contributions

Paul Rosenthal paul.rosenthal at web.de
Wed Feb 4 22:35:20 CET 2015

EuroRV3: EuroVis Workshop on Reproducibility, Verification, and Validation
in Visualization
(in conjunction with EuroVis 2015)

*** Call for Contributions ***

The EuroRV3: EuroVis Workshop on Reproducibility, Verification, and
Validation in Visualization focuses on the need for reliable visualization.
We concentrate on recent and future developments related to the
reproducibility of newly-developed visualization approaches, the
verification of visualization and data-processing systems, the validation
of visualization paradigms, and the effective incorporation of each of
these into modern visualizations.

The outcome of the two last EuroRV3 workshops was that the visualization
community is clearly aware of the need for reproducibility and a vast
majority agrees that the topic should be developed much more.  However, it
can be observed that, in current publications, providing reproducibility is
still often limited to the fraction that is needed for the paper to be
accepted to a venue. In addition, the variety of possible characteristics
and levels of reproducibility, together with the very different paper types
in our community, makes it very hard to come up with a strategy to further
encourage good reproducibility. In this workshop with the topic
"Reproducibility in Practice" we want to develop a good understanding of
why there are still papers providing quite limited reproducibility, how
these papers differ from papers that achieve much higher reproducibility
and how conditions could be changed to overcome complications and the
various different pitfalls in this regard. In addition, we want to showcase
how good reproducibility can be achieved and what efforts this takes.

*** Submission Procedure ***

This year’s workshop invites contributions of authors from recent
visualization publications about how the topic reproducibility was tackled
by the authors in the context of the specific project or paper and why.
Contributors should indicate their interest of submission via mail to Paul
Rosenthal (paul.rosenthal at cs.tu-chemnitz.de). All accepted contributors
submit extended abstracts (up to 2 pages without references, 3 pages
including references) following the submission guidelines (
http://www.eurorvvv.org/submission/), which will undergo a one-stage review
cycle. All accepted final papers will be published in the Eurographics
Digital Library.

*** Important Dates ***

Indication of Contribution: February 20, 2015
Submission of Extended Abstract: March 20, 2015
Submission of Camera Ready Version: April 03, 2015

*** Workshop Co-Chairs ***

Paul Rosenthal
Wolfgang Aigner
Carlos Scheidegger
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