[Ieee_vis] CfP - International Workshop on Virtual and Augmented Reality dedicated to Molecular Science (VARMS 2015) at IEEE Virtual Reality Conference 2015

Nicolas Férey nicolas.ferey at limsi.fr
Wed Feb 4 18:54:43 CET 2015


Call for Papers/Call for Participation
1st International Workshop on Virtual and Augmented Reality dedicated to 
Molecular Science (VARMS 2015)
At IEEE VR 2015, Arles, France
Tuesday, March 24, 2015


More info here:https://sites.google.com/site/varmsieeevr2015/home

 From the 70s up to today, Molecular Science and Virtual Reality have
maintained close ties, the needs of the first nourishing the scientific
issues of the second. The field of Molecular Science has been a pioneer
in the design and use of advanced 3D human/computer interactions and
devices such as haptic ones. Before the advent of computers and
visualization, Molecular Science researchers used to build physical
models in order to achieve a visual representation of theoretical
models. These physical representations, which have been used for a
while, opened the way to tangible interfaces to couple physical and
numerical models using Augmented and Virtual Reality techniques. Today
we are witnesses to a revolution in terms of access to Augmented and
Virtual Reality methods for all other scientific fields, thanks to new
immersion, 3D interaction and rendering devices.

In this context, the international IEEE Virtual Reality 2015 conference,
through the VARMS workshop, gives researchers an excellent opportunity to:

- keep up to date with new approaches at the interface between Augmented
and Virtual Reality, 3D User Interfaces and Video Games to popularize
Molecular Science, both in research and teaching contexts,

- identify efforts to support the deeper integration of Virtual Reality
techniques in the processes and practices of research laboratories and
companies in the Molecular Science field, promoting the usefulness and
usability of Virtual and Augmented Reality in Molecular Science,
implying deep ergonomic analyses and user evaluations in the targeted

- highlight convincing success stories, thereby catalysing the use of
Virtual and Augmented Reality in the targeted community, as actual
research achievements that lead to decisive results in Molecular Science
are still rare.

Workshop organizers expect participants to submit research papers,
technotes, position papers (up to 6 pages for talk) or work-in-progress
or preliminary research abstracts (2 pages for poster) about
the following topics:

1) Usage, Utility and Usability of Virtual Reality in Molecular Science

2) 3D user interfaces, including navigation, sonification, 3D 
visualization and rendering, haptic and tangible interfaces, Augmented
Reality, collaborative environments dedicated to Molecular Science

3) Serious games for research, teaching and outreach in Molecular Science

4) Success stories of Virtual Reality applications leading to tangible
results in Molecular Science

The workshop proceedings will consist of all accepted papers for poster
or talk, included in the numerical proceedings of IEEE-VR 2015 and will
be included into the IEEE Digital Library. For accepted papers for talk,
authors must prepare a 12-15 minute oral presentation to be delivered
during the workshop.

Submitted papers will be evaluated through a double blind reviewing
process of the submissions by the Program Committee members, thanks to
the EasyChair System at 
Papers must be written in English and follow the IEEE Computer Society 
(see http://www.cs.sfu.ca/~vis/Tasks/camera.html).

Important Dates
Paper (for talk and poster) submission deadline: February 9th, 2015
Notification of acceptance: February 20th, 2015
Early bird registration: February 22nd, 2015

- Nicolas Férey (nicolas.ferey at limsi.fr), Université Paris-Sud, 
Laboratoire pour
la Mécanique et les Sciences de l'Ingénieur (CNRS), VENISE team, Orsay,
- Olivier Delalande (olivier.delalande at univ-rennes1.fr), University of 
Rennes 1,
Structures et Interactions Moléculaires, Rennes, France
- Marc Baaden (marc.baaden at ibpc.fr),
Laboratoire de Biochimie Théorique (CNRS)- Institut de Biologie
Physico-Chimique, Paris, France

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