[Ieee_vis] CfP BioVis 2014 data contest

Hendrik Strobelt hendrik.strobelt at uni-konstanz.de
Tue Feb 4 14:50:45 CET 2014

Call for Participation BioVis 2014 data contest

webpage: http://biovis.net 

Dear colleagues, 

We invite you to participate at the BioVis 2014 data contest on:
	"Similarity of resting-state functional brain networks."

Submissions are du to May 1, 2014. 

The contest focuses on the domain of resting state functional connectivity networks (rs-fMRI networks), which are derived from functional magnetic resonance imaging scans of human subjects. These networks reflect intrinsic, low-frequency correlations between the blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) activity time series measured in different regions of the brain, and are thought to provide information about functionally relevant neural circuits and large-scale functional brain architecture.

1) Identify networks of intrinsic functional connectivity derived from repeated scans of a group of individuals
2) Determine network features that form reliable signatures for an individual and those that vary across the population or differentiate between individuals
3) Develop new tools and new collaborations to help neuroscientists and clinicians understand the utility of resting state networks as reliable phenotypes
4) Create new methods to illuminate and tap into the information currently hidden in large emerging neurobiological datasets including the Human Connectome Project
5) Win prizes and get published at BioVis 2014 !!

Submissions consist of several parts: 
1) a 250-word abstract  
2) a 2-page extended abstract describing the problem, your approach and results, suitable for evaluating the extendability of the entry into a full manuscript
3) up to 4 additional free-text pages, summarizing the contestants' answer to the challenge, and methods/approach for producing the answer
4) a presentation (self-running powerpoint, keynote, or movie) demonstrating the approach and/or further explaining the entry.
Supplementary material ranging from runnable demos in virtualbox images, through published manuscripts, is highly encouraged. Submissions dealing with any aspect of the challenge are encouraged.  

Data Analysis Contest entries could include, but are not limited to:
- complete answers to the specific data analysis contest question
- partial answers to discrete aspects of the question
- tools that address all, or part of the question, or similar questions in the domain
- design studies that argue for better representations for the problem, or answer

All accepted entries will be eligible for presentation at the symposium, either as short podium talks, or as data analysis contest poster or demo presentations. Data Analysis Contest entries deemed to make significant contributions will be invited to submit a manuscript to the thematic series on Biological Data Visualization of the journal BMC Bioinformatics, either as individual submissions, or as collaborative works collecting topically related submissions, at the recommendation of the judges. By submitting a Data Analysis Contest entry to BioVis, contestants license the submitted materials to BioVis for dissemination and/or use in BioVis promotional materials.

For further information please visit: http://biovis.net/year/2014/info/data_contest

Your BioVis Team & Contest Chairs

Data Contest Chairs
Raghu Machiraju, The Ohio State University, USA
William Ray, The Ohio State University, USA
Jason Bohland, Boston University, USA

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