[Ieee_vis] WUAVI 2014 (Workshop on User-Adaptive Visualization Interfaces) - EXTENDED DEADLINE

Paolo Buono paolo.buono at uniba.it
Wed Apr 2 09:16:00 CEST 2014

Apologies for multiple postings

Call for Papers
*2nd International Workshop on User-Adaptive Visualization Interfaces - 
WUAVI 2014 <http://reinecke.people.si.umich.edu/wuavi/>
held in conjunction with UMAP 2014 <http://www.um.org/umap2014/> in 
Aalborg, Denmark 7-11 July 2014

Abstract:   APRIL 4, 2014
Submission: APRIL 8, 2014

*This workshop follows up on two previous workshops: WUAV 2013 
<http://www.cs.ubc.ca/%7Esteichen/WUAV2013/index.html>, a workshop held 
during UMAP 2013, that focused on user-adaptive visualizations, and Many 
People, Many Eyes 
<http://people.seas.harvard.edu/%7Ereinecke/manyeyes/>, a workshop held 
at CHI 2013 on the influences of visual perception on user interface 
design. This year's workshop aims to extend the scope of these two 
workshops by looking at how to provide adaptive support that can 
increase user performance and satisfaction with other interfaces that 
have strong visual components, such as infographics and interactive 
websites. We will call these interfaces visualization interfaces, 
whereby the term visualization encompass graphical elements such as 
illustrations, colorful metaphors, charts and infographics. The goal of 
this workshop is to continue to build the foundations for a new research 
community specifically focused on this novel and promising topic of 
user-adaptive visualization interfaces. It aims to bring together 
researchers from the areas of visualization, UMAP, HCI, accessibility 
and cognitive/perceptual psychology, in order to share and discuss 
multidisciplinary knowledge relating to research on user-adaptive 
visualization interfaces. The core research questions follow those 
targeted at WUAV 2013, but are expanded to cover a greater diversity of 
visualization interfaces: 1) what individual user differences should be 
considered for adaptation that can support effective and satisfying 
visual processing 2) when is this adaptive support appropriate and/or 
necessary 3) how to adapt, i.e., what techniques to use and at what 
level of intrusiveness, and 4) how to evaluate adaptations. Given the 
expanded scope of this year's workshop, an overarching new objective 
will be to begin exploring potential answers to the above questions with 
an eye to generalizing across different types of visualization 
interfaces. For full details on the workshop focus, please visit the 
workshop website at http://reinecke.people.si.umich.edu/wuavi/
Important dates
*Apr  04, 2014: Abstract Submission Deadline - EXTENDED
Apr 08, 2014: Paper Submission Deadline    - EXTENDED
May  01, 2014: Notification to Authors
May  20, 2014: Camera-Ready Versions Due (TBC)
July 7th/11th, 2014: Workshop day (TBC)

*We encourage submissions from diverse backgrounds, including 
visualization (encompassing InfoVis, SciVis and Visual Analytics), UMAP, 
HCI, accessibility, and cognitive/perceptual psychology. Other 
specialists who are interested in applications based on novel 
visualization interfaces, e.g., web or game designers, industrial 
solutions or applications for education and entertainment, are very 
welcome to contribute.
We invite papers describing more developed ideas and methods, submitted 
via *long papers (max. 6 pages)*, as well as novel work-in-progress, 
submitted via *short papers (max. 3 pages)*. For non-academic 
submissions, we invite *short experience reports (max. 3 pages)* 
reflecting on the process of developing or applying visualization 
interfaces, as well as *position papers (between **3 and 6 pages)*. All 
submission must adhere to the Springer LNCS format 
<http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-6-793341-0> and must 
be made through the WUAVI 2014 EasyConference website 
<https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=wuavi2014>. Papers will be 
selected based on originality, quality, and ability to promote 
discussion. Accepted papers will be included in the workshop proceedings 
and published on the CEUR proceedings site 
<http://ceur-ws.org/index.html>. At least one author of each accepted 
paper must attend the workshop. For full details on the submission 
format and procedure, please visit the workshop website at 

Organizing Committee
*Paolo Buono         (University of Bari)              - paolo.buono 
(at) uniba.it
Cristina Conati     (University of British Columbia)  - conati (at) 
David Flatla        (University of Dundee)            - d.flatla (at) 
Katharina Reinecke  (University of Michigan)          - reinecke (at) 

For further questions please contact a member of the organizing committee.
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