[Ieee_vis] C&G Special Section on Uncertainty and Parameter Space Analysis in Visualization

C&G Special Section cfp at vgtc.org
Thu Jun 13 15:25:45 CEST 2013

C&G Special Section on Uncertainty and Parameter Space Analysis in Visualization (Submission Deadline: ***July 15, 2013***)

For details see: http://www.journals.elsevier.com/computers-and-graphics/call-for-papers/uncertainty-and-parameter-space-analysis-in-visualization/

Uncertainty and parameter space analysis in visualization are becoming increasingly prevalent and play an important role in astronomic, (bio)-medical, industrial, and engineering applications. All these areas require methods and techniques which help domain specialists to understand the processes involved in data generation, the reliability of the data, and the distribution of and reasons for uncertainty. Furthermore, with increasing algorithmic complexity additional questions arise: How does a slight parameter change modify the result? How stable is a parameter? In which range is a parameter stable, or which parameter set is optimal for a specific problem?

Such questions are frequently neglected when new visualization techniques are introduced. This special section of Computers and Graphics on “Uncertainty and Parameter Space Analysis in Visualization” is a follow up initiative to the Guest editors’ IEEE VisWeek 2012 tutorial with the same name (see http://bit.ly/R93BXv). Our aim is to promote research which takes into account the various aspects of uncertainty and its influence on the visualization pipeline, as well as algorithmic stability and the exploration of parameters.

We invite the authors to submit high-quality research-focused contributions of all aspects of uncertainty visualization and parameter space analysis.

Important Dates:

June 15, 2013: Special Section opens for submissions
July 1, 2013: Abstracts due
July 15, 2013: Submissions due
August 15, 2013: 1st Decision
September 15, 2013: Revised versions due
September 30, 2013: Final decision
October 15, 2013: Final versions of accepted papers due
December 2013: Publication

Guest editors:
Christoph Heinzl
Stefan Bruckner
Eduard Gröller

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