[afgn] PhD position available

Alexandra Wormit awormit at bio1.rwth-aachen.de
Fri Nov 10 15:38:40 CET 2017

Dear colleagues,

I greatly appreciate if you would be so kind to distribute the attached 
job offer for a PhD position in my group in your institute. Please feel 
also free to further distribute the job offer to colleagues.

Best regards,

Alexandra Wormit

Dr. rer. nat. Alexandra Wormit

RWTH Aachen University
Institute for Biology 1
Plant walls, Metabolism & Bioinformatic

Sammelbau Biologie 2
Room 3.137
Worringer Weg 3
52074 Aachen

phone: +49 (0)241-80 26766
fax:   +49 (0)241-80 22757

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