[afgn] CRISPR Workshop

Luise Brand luise.brand at uni-tuebingen.de
Fri Jul 3 15:20:03 CEST 2015

-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: 	CRISPR Workshop
Datum: 	Wed, 24 Jun 2015 07:56:51 +0100
Von: 	Geraint Parry <geraint at GARNETCOMMUNITY.ORG.UK>
Antwort an: 	Geraint Parry <geraint at GARNETCOMMUNITY.ORG.UK>
Organisation: 	GARNet

Dear all, please pass on to anyone who might be interested in this

CRISPR technology is fast emerging as the breakthrough technology for
precise genome editing in a range of experimental systems. In order to
highlight the current developments and future potential for using this
technology in the plant sciences, GARNet and OpenPlant are collaborating
to organise a CRISPR-Cas workshop in Norwich on September 7–8th 2015.

The first day of the workshop is targeted at those wishing to learn the
basics of CRISPR-Cas genome editing technology, as well as those who are
already aware of it but wish to learn more about recent developments and
advances. This is a day of conventional presentations mixed with
opportunities for networking with fellow researchers interested in using
this technology to benefit their research.

A full program and further information can be found here:


Dr Geraint Parry
geraint at garnetcommunity.org.uk

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