[Ieee_vis] DVS support for research study recruitment

Tamara Munzner tmm at cs.ubc.ca
Mon Aug 14 19:55:18 CEST 2023

Hello Visualization Researchers,

In case you're not already aware of this resource, be aware that the Data
Visualization Society supports researchers in recruiting study

There's a nice introduction to this initiative in their launch article from
last year:

If you're already a member or patron of the DVS, you can head directly to
the Research Recruitment page and fill out the form there (DVS login

For those who are not DVS members yet but are intrigued, here's the more
detailed background information from that page
The academic data viz community plays a critical role in our field,
advancing the depth of our knowledge on how people read and create data
visualizations. Many research studies actively recruit data visualization
practitioners as research subjects, while others explicitly look for folks
outside of our field.

*As a professional society, DVS aims to bring together data visualization
communities, like academics and practitioners.* Every so often, we see a
call for participants shared on our DVS Slack, but we know that Slack only
reaches a subset of our members and it’s easy to miss out on one of those

To address that need to better connect researchers with potential study
participants, when we launched our new membership intake form in 2021,
members could opt-in to a dedicated list to learn about opportunities to
participate as research subjects in academic studies.

To date, we have nearly *7,000 members* who have said ‘yes’ to receiving
study invitations, and we want to make that resource more accessible to
researchers interested in connecting with those members.

*Value to the field: *As a Society, we believe in the value of connecting
researchers and practitioners in different ways.  The academic research
distribution list is one tool for enabling those kinds of connections.

Researchers can connect with potential study participants actively working
in the field of data visualization, while practitioners can contribute to
the generation of new knowledge to inform our work and learn more about how
research studies are conducted by participating.

*Who is eligible to submit studies: *Currently, the distribution list is
limited to sharing study invitations from academics and students affiliated
with a university or evaluators who are conducting research for the purpose
of informing the practice of data visualization.

The rationale for these constraints is to amplify study invitations that
have been reviewed for appropriate informed consent and study protocols by
an Institutional Review Board or equivalent.

At this time, questionnaires developed as personal projects or more
informal studies are not eligible to be shared with the distribution list.
These types of projects can be shared on the DVS slack workspace on the
#-help_general channel that all members are added to upon joining our Slack

*Distribution timing: *Study opportunities will be distributed via email
monthly to those who have opted in to receive those invitations. Requests
received by the *10th *of the month will be compiled and shared by the *18th
*of the month. Depending on the volume of requests we receive, we may opt
to send opportunities on a more frequent basis.

*Privacy considerations: *The Data Visualization Society does not
distribute or share member names or contact information with partners,
vendors, or other third parties, including researchers. Members who have
opted in will receive the monthly email with study opportunities and can
independently opt in to participating; DVS will only make the approximate
total size of the distribution list publicly known, which is helpful for
the purpose of researchers knowing the reach. *Read the full DVS Privacy
Policy here.* <https://www.datavisualizationsociety.org/privacy-policy>

*General disclaimer: *DVS is providing this opportunity to submit study
participation requests and distribute to our members in support of our
broader mission to continue to connect parts of our community and advance
the field. DVS reserves the right to decline to share a study participation
opportunity with our members if it does not have a clear connection to the
field of data visualization or has content or study aims that are not
aligned to our inclusive code of conduct as an organization. DVS assumes no
responsibility for the experience of a study participant if they opt into a
study that is distributed through this mechanism.

Cheers, Tamara

Tamara Munzner
Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of British Columbia
http://www.cs.ubc.ca/~tmm, tmm at cs.ubc.ca
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