[Econmaster2012] Research Seminar in Economics

Frank Stähler frank.staehler at uni-tuebingen.de
Tue Nov 26 16:33:41 CET 2013

Dear all,

The presenter in this week's "Research Seminar in Economics" on Tuesday, 
26.11., is Daniel Baumgarten from the RWI Essen. The title of  his talk 
will be

"Temporary agency work and the economic crisis 2008/09"  (Daniel 
Baumgarten and Michael Kvasnicka)


The seminar starts at 18.00 h in Room E09, Mohlstr. 36. You can find an 
abstract of the paper below.

Everybody is welcome.

Best wishes,
Udo Kreickemeier

In this paper, we investigate with German data how the use of temporary 
agency work has helped establishments to manage the economic crisis in 
2008/09. Exploiting for identification industry-level shock measures as 
a proxy for the extent to which individual firms have been affected by 
the crisis, we examine the business performance, regular workforce 
development, and use of short-time work of establishments that make use 
of temporary agency work to varying degrees. Overall, our results 
suggest that users of temporary agency work coped better with the sharp 
decline in demand and made less frequent use of government-sponsored 
short-time work schemes.

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