[Econmaster2012] Research Seminar in Economics

Frank Stähler frank.staehler at uni-tuebingen.de
Mon Nov 18 15:35:58 CET 2013

Dear all,

The presenter in this week's "Research Seminar in Economics" on Tuesday, 
19.11., is Ignat Stepanok from the IfW Kiel. The title of  his talk will be

"Creative Destruction and Unemployment in an Open Economy Model"


The seminar starts at 18.00 h in Room E09, Mohlstr. 36. You can find an 
abstract of the paper below.

Everybody is welcome.

Best wishes,
Udo Kreickemeier

I develop a model of endogenous economic growth and search and matching 
frictions in the labor market. I study the effect
of trade liberalization between two identical economies on unemployment. 
I solve for two versions of the growth model,
the first one where trade liberalization has only a temporary effect on 
growth, a semi-endogenous growth model.
In the second version trade liberalization has a permanent effect on 
growth, a fully endogenous growth model. I show that
in both versions trade liberalization has a steady state effect on 
unemployment that is negative for countries with a
relatively larger R&D sector and positive otherwise.


Frank Stähler
Professor of Economics
Department of Economics
International Economics and Labor Markets
The University of Tübingen
Mohlstr. 36 (V4)
D-72074 Tübingen, Germany
frank.staehler at uni-tuebingen.de

Adjunct Professor of Economics
School of Economics
The University of Adelaide
frank.staehler at adelaide.edu.au


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