[Ieee_vis_open_positions] New tenured Faculty position in Bergen, Norway (professor or associate professor): visual data science / visualization

Helwig Hauser Helwig.Hauser at UiB.no
Thu Dec 19 13:03:30 CET 2024

The Department of Informatics at the University of Bergen, Norway, seeks 
to recruit a professor or an associate professor into a tenured position 
with focus on visual data science / visualization (application deadline: 
February 28, 2025).

For information on expected qualifications, requirements, benefits, and 
to apply, visit

This position is in the Visualization research group (vis.UiB.no) with 
close ties to UiB’s Center for Data Science, CEDAS, and the Mohn Medical 
Imaging and Visualization Center, MMIV.  The group’s research focuses on 
human-in-the-loop solutions, empowering the user with interactive visual 
means to data exploration, analysis, and presentation.  Computational 
methods, for example from statistics, machine learning, and 
optimization, are integrated with interactive visual solutions with the 
user in charge.  The group focuses also on theoretical foundations to 
visualization that enable a meaningful presentation / communication as 
well as an effective and efficient exploration and analysis of data – 
irrespective of the application domain. 

The new professor / associate professor is expected to strengthen the 
group’s research and teaching of visual data science / visualization, 
relying on top competence related to the mathematical and technical 
basis of the field, as well as on strong programming skills. 

All applications must be submitted through the JobbNorge portal (link 
above).  Contact Helwig Hauser, Noeska Smit, or Laura Garrison in case 
of questions.
Dr. Helwig Hauser, Professor in Visualization; http://vis.UiB.no
Coleader of CEDAS (Center for Data Science); http://UiB.no/en/cedas
Høyteknologisenteret, room 311O2, https://link.mazemap.com/QcdQeC1e
Mailing address: Dept. of Informatics, Univ. of Bergen,
Postboks 7803, N-5020 Bergen, Norway

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