[Ieee_vis_open_positions] HCI/VIS postdoc position at the University of Waterloo, Canada

Jian Zhao jianzhao at uwaterloo.ca
Sat Nov 16 15:27:09 CET 2024

The WatVis research group within the Waterloo HCI Lab in the Cheriton School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo invites applications for a postdoctoral fellow position in the areas of information visualization, visual analytics, and human-computer interaction. The candidate will work under the supervision of Dr. Jian Zhao. The candidate will also have the opportunity to collaborate with various industry partners of Dr. Zhao. The candidate is expected to establish their own research agenda on the topic areas that are agreed upon by the candidate and the supervisor. Example topics include but are not limited to:
• Intelligent data analysis, exploration, communication, and storytelling
• Interpretable machine learning and explainable AI
• Human-AI interaction/collaboration in programming
• Multimodal (e.g., AR, VR) and mobile interaction techniques
• Systems and techniques for applications in data science, social computing, etc.

The candidate is expected to conduct original research and publish at top venues in visualization and human-computer interaction, such as VIS, CHI, UIST, and CSCW. The candidate may choose to teach at most one course per year, supervise research projects led by graduate students, and help with grant applications.

To apply, submit the following materials in one single PDF to jianzhao at uwaterloo.ca. Please put “[postdoc application]” in the subject line.
• A cover letter that describes the candidate’s research interest, motivation for the position, and short plan for their desired postdoctoral research
• An up-to-date, full curriculum vitae
• The names and email addresses of two referees

More details about the position can be seen here: https://www.jeffjianzhao.com/assets/files/postdoc-ads.pdf


Jian Zhao, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science
University of Waterloo

519-888-4567, ext. 32987
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