[Ieee_vis_open_positions] Post-Doc Position in Data Science and Visual Analytics at University of Sao Paulo - Brazil

Luis Gustavo Nonato gnonato at icmc.usp.br
Sat Mar 5 15:49:56 CET 2022

Postdoc Position in Data Science and Visual Analytics for Crime Analytics

The Center for Research in Mathematical Sciences Applied to Industry
(CEPID-CeMEAI) at the University of São Paulo, in São Carlos/SP, Brazil
opens a post-doctoral research position in Data Science / Visual Analytics
 to work in the project:

"Crime Analysis and Forecasting in Urban Environments – Tools for Improving
Public Policies in the Area of Security".

The project, funded by Fapesp (Sao Paulo State research funding agency),
aims at advancing state-of-the-art research in spatiotemporal crime data
analysis, crime pattern identification, and crime prediction. The project
is in collaboration with Fundação Getúlio Vargas - Rio de Janeiro/RJ,
Brazil.  The post-doc will interact with members of both institutions but
s/he will be hosted in São Carlos/SP.

We are seeking a highly motivated postdoctoral fellow! Curiosity,
open-mind, creativity, persistence, and collaborative-work capability are
the key personal skills we target. A Ph.D. in computer science, applied
mathematics, or related fields is required, with demonstrated experience
and high-quality publications. Candidates should have advanced programming
skills and a solid background in data science and/or visual analytic
techniques. Candidates must have got their PhD in the last 7 years.

Portuguese speaking is not required but fluency in English is mandatory.

São Paulo Research Foundation provides financial support with a monthly
salary of R$ 8.479,20 (about U$ 1,700.00). Financial support can also be
provided to cover transportation expenses to move to São Carlos - Brazil.
An extra grant is also provided to cover participation in highly relevant
conferences, research trips (limited to 15% of the annual amount of the
fellowship), computers, and research-related equipment. The position is for
one year, but it can be extended to an extra year.

*** Application ***

Applicants are invited to submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae
(including their full publication record), as well as reference letters (at
least two) by email to Dr. Luis Gustavo Nonato - gnonato at icmc.usp.br - (
PDF files only) until April 30th, 2022.

Contract Condition:

Grant from FAPESP under the Research, Innovation and Dissemination Centers
(RIDC-CeMEAI) (http://www.fapesp.br/en/17, http://www.cemeai.icmc.usp.br/).

Luis Gustavo Nonato
Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Institute of Mathematical and Computer Sciences
University of Sao Paulo at Sao Carlos
P.O. Box 668
13560-970 Sao Carlos - SP Brazil
Phone - +55 16 33739697
web: http://www.icmc.usp.br/pessoas/gnonato/
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