[Ieee_vis_open_positions] Vienna Research Groups for Young Investigators 2019

Anne Marie Faisst anne.marie.faisst at univie.ac.at
Thu Mar 7 13:53:16 CET 2019

Dear Sirs and Madams,

The Vienna Science Fund provides a great opportunity for tenure track 
positions in Vienna. The position will provide up to 1.6 million Euros 
for up to 8 years. It will require a university host. The newly 
established interdisciplinary research group Data Science @ University 
of Vienna would be happy to support applicants in the area of Data 
Science. For details about us and the procedure, please consult: 

Please send us your information by Apr 1st 2019.

Best Regards,

Anne Marie Faisst, BA

Universität Wien
Fakultät für Informatik
Forschungsgruppe Visualization and Data Analysis

Koordination Forschungsplattform Data Science
Währinger Straße 29/S6/1.04, A-1090 Wien

T +43-1-4277-790 03

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