[Ieee_vis_open_positions] PhD position in character simulation, optimal control, Rennes and Toulouse (France)
Franck Multon
franck.multon at irisa.fr
Mon Nov 12 14:56:45 CET 2018
Dear colleagues,
please find below a PhD position co-supervised between MimeTIC team in
Rennes, and CNRS/LAAS in Toulouse. Would you please forward to potential
students who could be interested in character simulation and optimal
The topics is:
*PhD offer: HoBis: simulation of plausible bipedal locomotion of human
and non-human primate.*
Within the framework of a national collaborative project “HoBis” funded
by the French ANR agency, the goal of this position is to design a new
simulation framework aiming at simulating plausible bipedal locomotion
given an anatomical model. The project gathered experts in
paleoanthropology, anatomy, biomechanics, computer science and robotics.
This part of the HoBis project aims at increasing fundamental knowledge
about bipedal locomotion of disappeared species (Afarensis,
Neanderthal...) in an evolutionary perspective. To achieve such
challenge, anatomists and paleoanthropologists from the Museum National
d’Histoires Naturelles (CNRS) together with a CNRS primatology platform
will gather a unique collection of anatomical and motion data for
various species, such as humans and non-human (olive baboons, bonobos…)
primates. Thus, this PhD project aims at simulating bipedal locomotion
of living species (primates and humans) first, and then to adapt the
simulation to disappeared species. MimeTIC Inria team (computer
sciences, biomechanics and sports sciences) and CNRS-LAAS (robotics and
biomechanics) will supervise the PhD to address the problem of
simulating plausible locomotion for such anatomical models. The
co-supervised PhD position will work on this specific task, in
collaboration with the two teams involved in the HoBis Project.
*MimeTIC inria*team (team.inria.fr/mimetic/
<https://team.inria.fr/mimetic/>) is associated with M2S laboratory
(Movement, Sport, Health) of the University of Rennes 2 is part of the
top 200 in the Shanghai ranking of the best universities in the field of
sports sciences. MimeTIC promotes a multidisciplinary approach based on
computer simulation and motion analysis, in order to better analyze and
simulate human motion. MimeTIC can rely on an exceptional ImmerMove
platform that includes a virtual reality room (12x4x4 m) and a sports
hall (30x20x10 m) dedicated exclusively to the analysis of human
movement. This platform includes various human motion capture systems,
external force evaluation and electromyographic systems. MimeTIC has a
long experience in human motion simulation using various approaches
developed in the computer animation domain. MimeTIC also develops an
expertise in musculoskeletal analysis and simulation using nonlinear
*CNRS/LAAS* (www.laas.fr). The Laboratory for Analysis and Architecture
of Systems, LAAS, of Toulouse, has a long experience in human movement
analysis, humanoid robot motion planning and control. In 2000, it gave
rise to the start-up Kineo CAM devoted to motion generation for virtual
prototyping. Gepetto team research aims to model, understand and
generate anthropomorphic movements for humanoid robots, virtual
mannequins and human beings. This implies a research at the crossing of
robotics, automatics and control, biomechanics and neurosciences,
integrated toward the production of algorithms for motion and action
modelling. The team is recognized as a world leader of anthropomorphic
motion generation and humanoid robotics. LAAS has developed HPP and
Pinocchio, software development tools dedicated to motion planning and
control for complex redundant robots. Many original results have been
experimentally validated on the several platforms of the laboratory
(humanoid robot HRP-2, Romeo and Pyrene). LAAS-Gepetto was engaged in
several FP7 and H2020 european projects
The PhD will mainly take place in MimeTIC in Rennes, in Inria building.
The recruited PhD will have a laptop and an office in Inria, with all
the facilities proposed by this institute. A long stay (one year) in
CNRS/LAAS in Toulouse is expected during the three years of the PhD to
practice optimal control and DDP (differential dynamic Programming) .
The recruited PhD will participate in the meetings and joint works of
the national HoBis project. A budget is dedicated to travels and
publication fees to encourage scientific publications all along the PhD.
Description of the expecting work
The recruited person will have to propose a new framework to simulate
plausible locomotion based on anatomical descriptions. Previous works in
computer animation [Multon1999] proposed to address this problem as a
motion retargeting problem [Gleicher1998, Kulpa2005]: adapting the
trajectories of a character to another one with different morphologies.
This approach is mainly based on solving kinematic constraints to ensure
non-sliding foot contact with the ground, or ensure static balance.
However, it does not enable to simulate totally new motion that
correspond to a given anatomical description. To tackle this problem,
other works proposed to model gait kinematics as a parametric
mathematical function, and use non-linear optimization to calculate
plausible locomotion for simplified anatomical models [Nicolas 2008,
Nicolas2009]. However all these approaches based on computing kinematic
trajectories fail to ensure the physical realism of the resulting motion.
An alternative consists in modeling bipedal gait as a sequence of states
(single, double stances…) and to design controller to drive a physical
model based on the anatomical description, plus masses and inertias
[Yin2007]. Although the result is physically valid, the decomposition
into states strongly influence the result, which is a too strong
constraint for simulating very new gait patterns. At LAAS-CNRS
[Maldonado 2018, Saab 2011], two ways are actually used to simulate a
given motion. In a first way named hierarchical control, the motion is
generated by prioritizing some tasks (i.e: foot position first and
center of mass trajectory in second for example). In another way [Costes
2018, Turpin 2017], optimal control leads to determine whole body motion
by minimizing a given cost functions (i.e: energy expenditure, joint
torque, …). In this project we will define which way could be used with
the maximal efficiency to simulate plausible gait.
KK Yin, K Loken, M Van de Panne (2007) Simbicon: Simple biped locomotion
control. ACM Transactions on Graphics, Volume 26 Issue 3, Article No. 105.
M. Gleicher (1998) Retargetting motion to new characters. Proceedings of
ACM Siggraph 1998, 33-42.
F Multon, L France, MP Cani‐Gascuel, G Debunne (1999) Computer animation
of human walking: a survey. The journal of visualization and computer
animation 10 (1), 39-54
R Kulpa, F Multon, B Arnaldi (2005) Morphology‐independent
representation of motions for interactive human‐like animation. Computer
Graphics Forum 24 (3), 343-351
G Nicolas, F Multon, G Berillon, F Marchal (2007) From bone to plausible
bipedal locomotion using inverse kinematics. Journal of biomechanics 40
(5), 1048-1057
G Nicolas, F Multon, G Berillon (2009) From bone to plausible bipedal
locomotion. Part II: Complete motion synthesis for bipedal primates.
Journal of biomechanics 42 (8), 1127-1133
Saab L., Mansard N., Keith F., Fourquet J-Y, et Soueres P. 2011. «
Generation of dynamic motion
for anthropomorphic systems under prioritized equality and inequality
constraints ». Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2011 IEEE International
Conference on, mai, 1091‑1096.
Spontaneous change from seated to standing cycling position with
increasing power is associated with a minimization of cost functions.
Journal of Sports Sciences, Vol. 36(18), pp907-913. Doi :
TURPIN N., COSTES A., MORETTO P., WATIER B. (2017) Can muscle
coordination explain the advantage of using the standing position during
intense cycling? Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, Vol 20, pp
611-616. Doi: 10.1016/j.jsams.2016.10.019
MALDONADO G, SOUERES P., WATIER B. (2019) From biomechanics to robotics.
STAR book in Biomechanics of Anthropomorphic Systems, Springer.
10.1007/978-3-319-93870-7_3 <https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-93870-7_3>
MALDONADO G, BAILLY F., SOUERES P., WATIER B. (2018) An extension of the
Uncontrolled Manifold theory to dynamic movements: application to
take-off and landing motions in parkour. Scientific Report, Vol 20,
Article number 12219. Doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-30681-6
*Degree: *Master degree or engineer school in computer simulation,
computer sciences, robotics, or biomechanics
*Technical skills and level required:*
• Computer sciences, and especially computer simulation would be an
advantage (Matlab, C++, Python)
• Applied mathematics, especially nonlinear optimization
• Skills in (bio)mechanics and physics would be a plus
*Languages :*English with good practice would be an advantage
*Relational skills:*work in a group of scientist, dynamic, curious,
interested in both simulation, robotics, human motion, software
development and experimental set-ups.
Franck Multon, MimeTIC, fmulton at irisa.fr <mailto:fmulton at irisa.fr>
Bruno Watier, CNRS-LAAS, bruno.watier at laas.fr <mailto:bruno.watier at laas.fr>
Professor, University of Rennes 2
Leader of MimeTIC team (University of Rennes2, INRIA, ENS Rennes, University of Rennes1, CNRS)
M2S Research Unit
ENS Rennes
Campus de Ker lann, Avenue Robert Schuman, 35170 Bruz - FRANCE
web : http://www.m2slab.com
tel : +33 631646357
fax : +33 299847100
mail : fmulton at irisa.fr
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