[Ieee_vis_open_positions] Technician in research group VDA/Vienna

Torsten Möller torsten.moeller at univie.ac.at
Wed Oct 18 09:51:53 CEST 2017

We are hiring!

Our Research Group Visualization and Data Analysis is looking for a system 
admin and software developer for a 40-hour-employment. We offer a pleasant 
work environment within a friendly, dynamic, international and young team.

For suitable candidates a 20-hour-employment may be considered. The 
position is currently limited to 1 year with the possibility of subsequent 
unlimited employment.

You can apply via the jobcenter of the Universität Wien 

There you’ll find the comprehensive call: https://tinyurl.com/vdasysadmin

Your annual salary will be between 31.500 Euro up to 37.500 Euro gross 
depending on qualification and experience.

Please send us your application papers until the 1^st of December or until the 
position is filled.

For further information, contact Prof. Torsten Möller, 
torsten.moeller at univie.ac.at <mailto:torsten.moeller at univie.ac.at>

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