[Ieee_vis_open_positions] PhD and postdoc positions in CAiM @ ETH Zurich

Orcun Goksel ogoksel at ethz.ch
Thu Jun 5 18:12:25 CEST 2014

Dear colleagues,

Please feel free to distribute  the following positions within your 
groups and to any potential applicants.

Kind regards,
Orcun Goksel
Asst. Prof. Orcun Goksel
Computer Vision Laboratory
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich
Sternwartstrasse 7, Zurich - 8092 Switzerland
Tel: +41 (44) 632 2529


  PhD and Postdoc Positions in Computer Graphics and Ultrasound Image

The new research group CAiM (Computer-assisted Applications in Medicine) 
at the Computer Vision Laboratory of ETH Zurich invites highly-qualified 
candidates to apply for a PhD and a post-doctoral position in the field 
of computer graphics for a project on the real-time simulation of 
realistic ultrasound images.

Applicants should demonstrate *strong research*potential and relevant 
background with publications in top-ranked journals and conferences. 
  They should be fluent in English, both written and spoken.  Additional 
requirements include solid mathematical knowledge and programming skills 
in C++ (Matlab is an additional preference).

Successful candidates should have expertise in one or more of the 
following topics:

  * Computer graphics
  * Rendering / ray-tracing techniques
  * Deformable models
  * Parallel-computing architectures
  * Ultrasound image formation

ETH in general and the Computer Vision Lab in particular offer an 
exciting environment for research. We are a highly international team, 
comprised of researchers from several countries. Zurich consistently 
ranks among the top-most livable cities in the world and ETH ranks among 
the top technical universities, while also offering competitive salaries.

For more information:

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