[Ieee_vis] IEEE PacificVis 2025: 1st CALL FOR PAPERS

Takayuki Itoh itot at is.ocha.ac.jp
Fri Aug 2 01:22:23 CEST 2024

18th IEEE Pacific Visualization Conference 2025 (IEEE PacificVis 2025)
April 22-25, 2025 at Heping Campus (Main Campus) II, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan

IEEE PacificVis 2025 solicits novel research contributions and innovative applications in all areas of visualization. PacificVis is a unified visualization conference covering topics including visualization techniques and systems, interactions, analytics and decision support, theoretical contributions to visualization, empirical studies, and visualization applications in domains such as (but not limited to) biological sciences, education, machine learning, physical sciences, security, and social science.

IEEE PacificVis 2025 will be held in Taipei, Taiwan on April 22?25, 2025. The conference accepts a range of scientific contributions ranging from full research papers, short papers, and posters. This year, PacificVis has a TVCG journal paper track, a conference full paper track, and a short paper (VisNotes) track with consecutive deadlines. These tracks have separate calls for papers:

The full CFP is available here: https://pacificvis2025.github.io/pages/Common-call-for-papers.html 


- Journal track - Abstracts: September 15, 2024
- Journal track - Papers: September 22, 2024
- Journal track - Notifications: November 7, 2024

- Conference track - Abstracts: November 13, 2024
- Conference track - Papers: November 20, 2024
- Conference track - Notifications: December 20, 2024

- VisNotes - Papers due: January 6, 2025
- VisNotes - Notifications: February 7, 2025

Different tracks use different formatting guidelines; refer to the full CFP for details. PacificVis uses the Precision Conference System (PCS) to handle the submission and reviewing process: https://new.precisionconference.com/user/login?society=vgtc

IEEE PacificVis papers undergo a rigorous review process over multiple rounds of reviewing (VisNotes have a slightly shorter review process).

All accepted papers will appear in the IEEE Digital Library. Papers accepted to the TVCG Journal Paper Track will appear in a special issue of the IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (similar to full papers accepted to the IEEE VIS conference).

TVCG Journal Papers Track
- Melanie Tory - Roux Institute at Northeastern University
- Ivan Viola - King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
- Yingcai Wu - Zhejiang University

Conference Papers Track
- Takayuki Itoh - Ochanomizu University
- Filip Sadlo - Heidelberg University
- Yu-Shuen Wang - National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University

Short Papers (VisNotes) Track
- Cindy Xiong Bearfield - Georgia Institute of Technology
- Siming Chen - Fudan University
- Wen-Chieh Lin - National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University

Takayuki Itoh (伊藤貴之) (itot at is.ocha.ac.jp)
Dept. of Humanity Data Engineering / Dept. of Information Sciences, 
Director of Center for AI and Data Science, Ochanomizu University

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