[Ieee_vis] Call for Papers: International Symposium on Vision, Modeling, and Visualization (VMV 2024)

Linsen, Lars linsen at uni-muenster.de
Thu Jun 6 16:45:12 CEST 2024


Conference Dates: September 10-13 (main conference)
Location: TUM Campus Garching, Boltzmannstrasse 3
Website: https://www.gcpr-vmv.de/year/2024

is Germany's leading forum for advances in computer vision, machine learning, computer graphics, modeling, and visualization research. It combines two conferences: The German Conference on Pattern Recognition (GCPR) and the International Symposium on Vision, Modeling, and Visualization (VMV). Besides the research, the forum has a tradition to be a networking event of Germany-based researchers, with typically over 200 participants including many world-leading experts. The conference main program (Tuesday to Friday) includes several keynote speakers, as well as invited talks by leading researchers from academy and industry. The social program includes a reception and a conference dinner. On the day prior to the main conference (Tuesday) we organize a workshop and a tutorial. TU Munich hosts the 46th edition of GCPR and 29th edition of VMV.

VMV 2024
The International Symposium on Vision, Modeling, and Visualization (VMV) is well-established as Germany's premier scientific meeting that covers the full spectrum of visual computing. VMV offers researchers the opportunity to discuss a wide range of different topics within an open, international, and interdisciplinary environment.

As in previous years, the proceedings will be published in cooperation with Eurographics and archived in the EG digital library. Authors are encouraged to submit their original research results, practice and experience reports, or novel applications.

VMV submissions are handled through the SRM submission website:

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

  *   Modelling
     *   3D Printing
     *   Animation, Simulation, and GPGPU
     *   Geometric Modeling
  *   Rendering
     *   Color, Illumination, and Reflectance Modeling
     *   Material Appearance
     *   Realistic and Non-Photorealistic Rendering
     *   Offline and Real-time Rendering
  *   Visualization and Interactive Interfaces
     *   Information Visualization
     *   Scientific Visualization
     *   Visual Analytics and Interactive Data Science
     *   Visual Interfaces
  *   Computer Vision and Image Processing
     *   3DAcquisition, Motion Capture, and Tracking
     *   Computational Photography, Sensors, and Sensor Fusion
     *   Image-based Modeling and Rendering
     *   Object and Pattern Recognition
  *   Applications of/for Visual Computing
     *   Biology and Medicine
     *   Games and Film
     *   Evaluation and Perception
     *   Physics and Engineering
     *   Virtual, Mixed, and Augmented Reality

Contributors are invited to submit papers of up to 8 pages in the EG publication style. Longer papers are expected to make additional contributions. The review process will be double-blind. Accepted papers have to be presented at the symposium.

Please see the submission instructions (https://www.gcpr-vmv.de/year/2024/vmv/submission) and author guidelines (https://srmv2.eg.org/COMFy/Conference/VMV_2024/Instruction) for further details.

The nectar track is an opportunity for you to contribute to the program of GCPR-VMV by presenting a paper already published at a previous major international computer vision, or machine learning conference or in a journal. This way, you can generate additional exposure of your work and have a platform for networking with colleagues within and outside the GCPR-VMV community.

The dates for all submissions are as follows (deadlines will not be extended). Deadlines are at 23:59:59 CEST of the respective date.

  *   VMV Papers
     *   Paper Registration Deadline: June 10, 2024
     *   Paper Submission Deadline: June 14, 2024
     *   Decisions to Authors: July 16, 2024
     *   Camera Ready Deadline: August 21, 2024
  *   GCPR-VMV Nectar Track
     *   Proposal Submission Deadline: July 31, 2024
     *   Notification of acceptance: August 9, 2024

Please see the conference web page for contact information of the organizers and more details about the submission process and format.

Web: https://www.gcpr-vmv.de/year/2024
Email: gcpr-vmv-2024 at tum.de<mailto:gcpr-vmv-2024 at tum.de>
General Chairs: Daniel Cremers (TUM) and Matthias Nießner (TUM)
Program Chairs: Lars Linsen (University of Münster) and Justus Thies (TU Darmstadt)

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