[Ieee_vis] EuroXR: CfP with extended deadline

Gabriel Zachmann zach at cs.uni-bremen.de
Thu May 9 16:07:42 CEST 2024

The 21st EuroXR International Conference - EuroXR 2024
3rd Call for Contributions

Extended Deadlines Announcement

27 Nov - Nov 29, 2024
Athens, Greece

The EuroXR association (www.euroxr.org) would like to cordially invite you to contribute 
to the 21st EuroXR International Conference, EuroXR 2024.

EuroXR 2024 will be hosted and co-organized by the Institute of Communication & Computer Systems (ICCS),
Athens, Greece. This year, our international conference will take place with in-person attendance, 
so you can expect a rich experience. 
Besides invited keynote talks, the scientific track, the application track, and a posters & demos track,
we will also welcome this year joint events related to several ongoing European projects, 
especially the 1st annual meeting of the Alliance4XR ERASMUS+ project, 
and other special sessions for some sister projects of several Europe Horizon calls.

Important dates (extended) for the scientific track (each deadline is 23:59:59 AoE)

* Scientific paper submission with rebuttal procedure:................. May 6 →  May 12, 2024
* 1st notification for papers submitted in the rebuttal procedure:..... June 17 → June 21, 2024
* Deadline for revised papers in the rebuttal procedure:............... June 24 → June 28, 2024
* Scientific paper submission without rebuttal procedure:.............. June 24 → June 28, 2024
* Final notification for all papers (with or without Rebuttal):........ July 24, 2024 (no change)
* Camera-ready (for all tracks):....................................... Sep. 16, 2024
* Conference days:..................................................... Nov. 27-29, 2024


For all conference tracks, we seek original, high-quality contributions in all areas of 
eXtended Reality (XR), i.e., Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Mixed Reality (MR), 
and 3D üser interfaces. In these areas, submissions can address a wide range topics of interest, 
as listed in https://www.euroxr.org/topics-euroxr2024 . 
Please note that the calls for contributions to each category open at different times:

* Scientific track [OPEN NOW]: Papers (Long, Medium, or Short) must describe original, unpublished 
research results, address novel research questions, present novel insights in XR/VR/AR/MR, 
or sound state-of-the-art reports on challenging research questions in those fields.
Accepted papers in this track will be published in a Springer LNCS volume (Lecture Notes in Computer Science). 
(Indexing information of the LNCS series is available on this Springer webpage.)
As in previous years, authors of the top papers will get an opportunity to submit an extended version 
to the journals Computers & Graphics, or Frontiers in Virtual Reality.

* Application track [NOT OPEN YET]: will seek extended abstracts, which are meant to describe 
practical use cases of XR technologies.

* Posters track [NOT OPEN YET]: will seek posters that could present preliminary results or 
work-in-progress of research or applicationss. They will be submitted as an extended abstract.

* Demos track [NOT OPEN YET]: demos may accompany any type of submission or may be submitted independently.
They will be submitted as an extended abstract.

(Accepted extended abstracts, i.e., 2-4 pages, in the applications, posters, or demos track 
will be published in an ISBN-registered proceedings, edited by VTT, Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd.)


This year, two procedures are possible for scientific paper submissions, 
which allows authors to choose between two different deadlines. 

Submissions before the first deadline (May 12) will include a rebuttal phase after first round of reviews.
This will give authors the opportunity to clarify potential misunderstandings and 
to resubmit a revised version of their paper before the final decision of the reviewers. 

Alternatively, authors can choose to submit to the second deadline (June 28), 
but then they will, of course, not benefit from the advantages provided by the rebuttal procedure.

In both cases, all submissions will be reviewed by at least three independent reviewers.

Scientific Paper sizes and respective talk durations

Three sizes of papers are possible in the scientific track 
(all sizes are meant excluding the references section):

* Long paper: 14-20 pages in the Springer format (about 8 pages in traditional two-column format). 
If accepted, authors will have about 30 minutes of presentation (including questions) 
during one of the scientific sessions of the conference.
* Medium paper: 8-12 pages in Springer's format. 
If accepted, authors will have about 20 minutes of presentation (including questions) 
during one of the scientific sessions of the conference.
* Short paper: 4-6 pages Springer format. 
This type is meant for work-in-progress, position papers, and similar content. 
If accepted, authors will have about 10 minutes of presentation (including questions) 
during one of the scientific sessions of the conference.

Please note that indicated paper lengths do *not* include references.



Scientific Program Chairs

* Arcadio Reyes-Lecuona, Universidad de Málaga, Spain
* Gabriel Zachmann, University of Bremen, Germany
* Monica Bordegoni, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
* Jian Chen, Ohio State University, USA
* Giannis Karaseitanidis, Institute of Communication and Computer Systems, Greece
* Alain Pagani, DFKI, Kaiserslautern, Germany
* Patrick Bourdot, CNRS & University Paris-Saclay, France

General Chairs

* Angelos Amditis, ICCS, Athens, Greece
* Benjamin C. Lok, University of Florida, USA
* Xubo Yang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

For any further information about EuroXR 2024, 
please consult the conference website: https://www.euroxr.org/conference-2024 
or send an email to info at euroxr-association.org

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