[Ieee_vis] LEVIA'23 - call for papers

Daniel Wiegreffe daniel at informatik.uni-leipzig.de
Fri Nov 4 15:30:56 CET 2022

LEVIA 2023

The 5th LEipzig symposium on Visualization In Applications (LEVIA'23) 
aims at bringing together visualization scholars from all research areas 
related to visualization. The focus of the symposium is to shed a light 
on different application areas that enable scientific knowledge 
discovery with visualizations. The program will be structured along 
several visualization application areas. The upcoming Levia will be 
hosted as a satellite event of EuroVis23.


More info:


Means of visualization are widely used in diverse application domains to 
analyze data, to facilitate hypothesis verification and generation, to 
derive new data, and to discover trends, outliers, and data-dependent 
features. Collaborative aspects between visualization scholars and 
domain experts as well as design studies and the development of novel 
visualization techniques that shed a new light on known data objects are 
in the scope of the symposium. We welcome papers describing original 
work, i.e. hitherto unpublished scientific or information visualization 
research. Suggested application domains include, but are not limited to:

business and finance
digital humanities
earth, space, and environmental sciences
explainable AI
material sciences
molecular, biomedical, and medical visualization
multimedia visualization (image/video/music)
physical sciences and engineering
social and information sciences
software visualization
text visualization
urban science
visual analytics
visualization for the masses


Full papers are only accepted in English, they should be carefully 
checked for correct grammar and spelling, and authors should address one 
or several application domains of visualization. Papers will be reviewed 
by at least three experts in the field. Please make sure that 
submissions do not substantially overlap work that has been published 
elsewhere or simultaneously submitted to a journal or another conference 
with proceedings. In such a case, papers will be rejected without 
reviews. LEVIA calls for papers having a length of 4 to 8 pages (+1 page 
for references). Accepted papers will receive a long talk slot and will 
be included in the LEVIA 2023 proceedings.


This year, we will also provide a platform for young researchers in 
applied visualization, in which they can present their research ideas 
and PhD topics and discuss them with experts in the field. We welcome 
abstracts in all application areas of visualization as suggested in the 
call for papers. Abstracts can be submitted for the following purposes:

discussion of a project/research idea
discussion of a PhD topic
presentation of a position, i.e., an arguable opinion about a certain topic

Abstracts are only accepted in English, they should be carefully checked 
for correct grammar and spelling, and authors should address one or 
several application domains of visualization. Abstracts will be reviewed 
by at least two experts in the field. Please announce a substantial 
overlap with further work which has been published elsewhere or 
simultaneously submitted to a journal or another conference with 
proceedings in order to properly the purpose of your paper.

We solicit abstract submissions (2 pages +1 page for references) that 
outline a research idea. We explicitly welcome open-question sections to 
promote a lively discussion of the topic. Accepted abstracts will be 
presented in a mixed poster/presentation session, in which each 
presenter will display a poster of the respective abstract topic. In 
addition, each presenter will give an elevator pitch of their research 

Selected, promising ideas will be invited to submit a full paper after 
the conference, which will undergo a revision cycle that aims to provide 
feedback for a minor revision. Finally, accepted full papers will be 
included in the LEVIA 2023 proceedings next to the regularly accepted 
full papers.

Best regards,
   Christina Gillmann, Johanna Schmidt, Daniel Wiegreffe
   LEVIA'23 Organizing Committee

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