[Ieee_vis] [CfP] Interactive Visualization User Study

Michelle Dowling dowlinmi at gvsu.edu
Thu Mar 17 22:38:21 CET 2022

I would like to invite you to participate in a user study about the effectiveness of data visualization and interaction techniques on different tasks, such as filtering data, sorting data, and determining ranges. The techniques used in this study were designed for specific tasks, but we are investigating what effects these techniques have on other tasks as well. Understanding the effects of these techniques on other tasks will allow us to better understand the advantages or disadvantages in using those techniques when designing a new interactive visualization that supports a variety of tasks.

We anticipate your participation taking 1 – 2 hours of your time. Once you have completed the study, you will be compensated with a $15 electronic Amazon gift card. If you are interested, please fill out this pre-survey<https://gvsu.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_dgNLnvLVDWUsy3Q>, which will allow us to sort you into different participant groups. We will email you further instructions after you complete the pre-survey.

If you know of any others who may be interested in participating in this survey, we encourage you to forward them this invitation as well.

Thank you,

Michelle Dowling
Assistant Professor
School of Computing

Grand Valley State University
C - 2 - 209 Mackinac Hall
Allendale, MI 49401
office: 616-331-4370
dowlinmi at gvsu.edu<mailto:%7B%20props.email%20%7D>
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