[Ieee_vis] Eurographics'2021 - Call for Projects and Labs Submissions

Werner Purgathofer wp at cg.tuwien.ac.at
Mon Jan 4 11:17:33 CET 2021

Please distribute! Thank you!

    Call for Projects and Labs Submissions

EUROGRAPHICS'2021 in Vienna, Austria, May 3-7, 2021, 
conferences.eg.org/eg2021 <http://conferences.eg.org/eg2021> ---> enjoy 
Vienna !

In the context of the 42nd edition of the Annual Conference of the 
European Association for Computer Graphics, *projects* and *labs* have 
the chance to highlight innovative trends and achievements to the most 
prominent scientific and industrial community in Computer Graphics.

Increase visibility of your project results and make your lab activities 
known at EG’2021 on topics related (but not limited) to:

  * shape modeling, repairing and resampling,
  * shape segmentation and retrieval,
  * rendering,
  * visualization,
  * computational photography,
  * computational imaging,
  * image processing,
  * digital fabrication and 3D printing,
  * human-computer interaction,
  * animation,
  * virtual and augmented reality,
  * applications of Computer Graphics (biomedical, environmental,
    artistic, cultural heritage, and others)

To present your projects and/or your lab at EG’2021 and get the best 
possible interaction with the conference participants, we offer a 
*Virtual Exposition booth*

The *Virtual Exposition Space* includes:

  * Five-minutes presentation slot during the EG’2021 conference
  * Virtual desk and chair in an online session (probably in gather.town)

        Submission Details for EG’2021 Projects and Labs Presentation

The submission should not exceed 2 pages (in PDF format) and should 
include the following details:

  * Project/Lab name and acronym (if any)
  * Coordinator/responsible name and affiliation
  * Involved partners/participants
  * Objectives
  * Short description of activities
  * Results

The submission should be sent by email to the EG’2021 Projects and Labs 
Chairs chairs-eg2021pl at eg.org <mailto:chairs-eg2021pl at eg.org>

        Important Dates & Submission for EG’2021 Projects and Labs

  * The deadline for submission is *January 31, 2021*.
  * Decision about acceptance will be notified on *March 4, 2021.*

        EG’2021 Projects and Labs Chairs

*Ursula Augsdörfer*, TU Graz, Austria
*Reinhold Preiner*, TU Graz, Austria

Please do not hesitate to contact us for further details and 
clarifications: chairs-eg2021pl at eg.org <mailto:chairs-eg2021pl at eg.org>

EUROGRAPHICS'2021 Calls are open now -> May 3-7, 2021, online !
conferences.eg.org/eg2021             --->  enjoy virtual Vienna!
sponsored by Eurographics, VRVis, Adobe, Disney, KAUST, Snap, GritWorld

Werner Purgathofer                    TU Wien
Institute of Visual Computing & HC Technology
Favoritenstrasse 9 / 193,           1040 Wien
Tel. +43-1-58801-18655wp at cg.tuwien.ac.at

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