[Ieee_vis] CfP: Workshop on Immersive Analytics: Exploring Future Interaction and Visualization Technologies for Data Analytics

benjamin bach benj.bach at googlemail.com
Tue Jun 28 07:02:47 CEST 2016

Hi Everyone, 

We invite contributions for the 2016 Workshop on Immersive Analytics: 
	Web: http://immersiveanalytics.net

	Twitter: #immersive2016

Immersive Analytics are a new multidisciplinary initiative to explore future interaction technologies for data analytics. Immersive Analytics aims to bring together researchers in Information Visualization, Visual Analytics, Virtual and Augmented Reality and Natural User Interfaces.

The workshop is held as part of ACM ISS Interactive Spaces and Systems on November 6th, 2016 in Niagara Falls, Canada. http://iss2016.acm.org

>> Why? 

Due to the recent advances in immersive technologies (VR, AR, large displays, tangible surfaces, etc.), we see new opportunities to using these technologies to analyze and explore data. Visual analytics is concerned with analytical reasoning facilitated by interactive visual interfaces. This definition is agnostic of the actual interface devices employed by visual analysis systems. Nevertheless, the affordances of the display and input devices used for analyzing data strongly affect the experience of the users of such systems, and so, their degree of engagement and productivity. However, a systematic approach to developing visual analytic tools that move beyond the desktop is yet lacking.

>> What? 

In this call, we are looking for innovative research, design, and view-points, mature or work-in-progress, that fall into or are related to the following topics: 

* Real-world VA/AR, 
* Collaboration, 
* Hybrid 2D/3D, 
* Affordances for Immersion, 
* Changing Technologies, 
* Application Areas, 
* Platforms and Toolkits. 

We call this new research thrust ''Immersive Analytics'', a topic that will explore the applicability and development of emerging user-interface technologies for creating more engaging experiences and seamless work-flows for data analysis applications.

The type of contributions can include, but is not limited to the following:
	* Techniques: Interactions, visualizations, displays,
	  devices, setups, ... 
	* Applications and use cases: When, how, and why using 
	  immersive technologies.
	* Evaluations: Quantitative or qualitative evaluations on 	  immersive techniques and setups.
	* Position papers</b>: Ideas, thoughts, viewpoints, 	
	  critiques, on how to shape the field, how to do 
	  research, what are the methodologies, etc.

Submissions can be of any length from 2 to 7 pages, in proportion to the contribution.

>> How?:

Paper Submission deadline:	
	September 30th, 23:59 PDT
Paper format:	
	ACM CHI Extended Abstract
Submission length:	
	up to 7 pages
Submission website:	
	EasyChair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ia20160
Review Process:	
	3 peer reviews each. Single-blind mandatory, double-blind  	optional.
Publication Format:	
	Archival in ACM Digital Library
	~8 minutes at Workshop (including questions).
	Participants receive reduced registration to ISS.

>> Who?

Benjamin Bach (benj.bach at gmail.com), Monash University
Sheelagh Carpendale, University of Calgary
Christopher Collins, University of Ontario
Raimund Dachselt, Technische Universitaet Dresden
Tim Dwyer, Monash University
Bongshin Lee, Microsoft Research

Program Committee: announced shortly: check #immersive2016

Thanks for reading,
Best Regards, 
Immersive2016 Organizing Team

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