[Ieee_vis] Information+ Interdisciplinary practices in information design and visualization

Christopher Collins Christopher.Collins at uoit.ca
Thu Feb 4 23:33:58 CET 2016

Information+ Interdisciplinary practices in information design and visualization
The inaugural Information+ conference will bring together researchers and practitioners in information design and information visualization to discuss common questions and challenges in these rapidly changing fields. Information+ will be held at Emily Carr University of Art + Design in Vancouver, Canada. It will include three events: a two-day conference (June 16-17), one-day hands-on workshop (June 18), and an exhibition of information design and visualization projects (June 17-July 30). For further information and updates, please visit: http://informationplusconference.com/

Our keynote speakers are: Colin Ware<http://ccom.unh.edu/vislab/colin_ware.html>, director of the Data Visualization Research Lab at the University of New Hampshire, and author of several books including Visual Thinking for Design, and Tamara Munzner<https://www.cs.ubc.ca/~tmm/>, Professor of Computer Science at the University of British Columbia and author of Visualization Analysis and Design. Confirmed speakers include Catherine D'Ignazio<http://www.kanarinka.com/>, Chad Skelton<http://www.chadskelton.com/> and Scott Murray<http://alignedleft.com/>.

Call for Participation: Information+Conference
As an interdisciplinary event, we invite proposals from all fields of professional practice, research, and education in information design and visualization. We welcome submissions on such topics as (and not limited to): the environment, advocacy and law, wayfinding and safety, health and medical applications, social and political issues, and projects in data journalism and the digital humanities.

Authors accepted for presentation at the conference will have an opportunity to submit articles for publication in a special issue of Information Design Journal (IDJ), John Benjamins Publishing. The special issue will comprise of articles selected by a peer-reviewed process.

We invite you to submit proposals using EasyChair (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=info2016) for the following opportunities:
* 20-minute peer-reviewed paper presentations: an abstract (500 words) with one descriptive figure and 3 keywords. We encourage both academic and practice-based presentations.
* 5-minute lightning talks: a short abstract (250 words) with one descriptive figure and 3 keywords.

Submission Deadline: February 15, 2016
Notification of Acceptance: March 5, 2016

For questions please send an email to admin at informationplusconference.com<mailto:admin at informationplusconference.com>

Conference Program Committee:
Petra Cerne Oven, University of Ljubljana
Karen Cheng, University of Washington
Paolo Ciucarelli, Politecnico di Milano
Christopher Collins, UOIT
Patricio Davilla, OCAD University
Marian Dörk, Fachhochschule Potsdam
Jason Dykes, City University London
Priscila Farias, FAU USP
Angus Forbes, Univ. of Illinois at Chicago
Jorge Frascara, Emily Carr University
Chris Hethrington, Emily Carr University
Angela Iarocci, Sheridan College
Claudine Jaenichen, Chapman University
Eric Kindel, Reading University
Robert Kosara, Tableau
Miriah Meyer, University of Utah
Till Nagel, Fachhochschule Potsdam
Paul Nini, Ohio State University
Guillermina Noel, Emily Carr University
Angela Norwood, York University
Nathalie Riche, Microsoft
Aidan Rowe, University of Alberta
Karel van der Waarde, GD Research
Karin von Ompteda, OCAD University
Sue Walker, Reading University

Organizing committee:
Isabel Meirelles, Professor, Faculty of Design, OCAD University, Toronto, Canada
Katherine Gillieson, Associate Professor, Emily Carr University, Vancouver, Canada

Information+ Partners: Ico-D International Council of Design (http://www.ico-d.org/), IDA-Information Design Association, UK (http://www.infodesign.org.uk/), IDJ-Information Design Journal (https://benjamins.com/#catalog/journals/idj/main),  IIID-International Institute for Information Design (http://www.iiid.net/), SBDI-Sociedade Brasileira do Design da Informação (http://www.sbdi.org.br/).

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