[Ieee_vis] VIS publication dataset available

John Stasko john.stasko at cc.gatech.edu
Tue Jun 16 15:53:02 CEST 2015

We have made available to all a dataset of information about the IEEE 
VIS Conference papers from 1990-2014. The dataset contains each paper 
that has appeared at the IEEE VAST, InfoVis, and SciVis Conferences, and 
it includes information such as the paper's year, conference, title, 
authors, abstract, DOI, pages, and more. We also provide the de-duped 
author names for each paper, that is, a list of authors where the 
different spellings, initials used, etc., of a specific person have been 
unified to one consistent string. Additionally, for each paper we 
include a list of the earlier papers from the three conferences that it 
cites as a reference.

Further information about the dataset and a download link can be found 
at http://vispubdata.org. We have created this dataset as a resource for 
the entire visualization community and we hope that it will be helpful 
to you in your own research. We also intend to update the dataset in the 
future with the information about each new year's papers. If you find 
errors or mistakes in the datafile, please leave a comment there and we 
will correct them.

Additionally, three visualizations useful for exploring different 
aspects of the dataset can be found at 
http://www.cc.gatech.edu/gvu/ii/citevis/VIS25/. They were originally 
created to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the conference in 
November in Paris at VIS '14, and they now have been udpated to include 
the 2014 papers data as well.

Petra Isenberg
Florian Heimerl
Steffen Koch
Tobias Isenberg
John Stasko

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