[Ieee_vis] CFP - VDA 2016 full paper submission deadline extended until August 15, 2015

Song Zhang szhang at cse.msstate.edu
Tue Jul 14 23:15:19 CEST 2015

*Call for Papers*

*Visualization and Data Analysis 2016 *

*To be held at IS&T Electronic Imaging 2016*

*Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Feb 14-18, 2016*

*Important Dates: *

Journal submission option: June 30, 2015

6-10 page (double column) full paper: extended until August 15, 2015

500- to 1,000-word abstract for *presentation-only*: September 11, 2015

Final proceedings manuscript: December 15, 2015. The proceedings will be
available onsite.

*Conference Overview: *

The Conference on Visualization and Data Analysis (VDA) 2016 covers all
research, development, and application aspects of data visualization and
visual analytics. Since the first VDA conference was held in 1994, the
annual event has grown steadily into a major venue for visualization
researchers and practitioners from around the world to present their work
and share their experiences. We invite you to participate by submitting
your original research as a full paper or a poster paper and attending VDA
2016 in Hilton Union Square, San Francisco, CA.

Please note the two new submission options for this year’s conference:

(1) *Journal submission option*:

 Authors have the option to submit their papers directly to the *Journal of
Imaging Science and Technology. *If accepted, the paper will be presented
at the VDA conference and be published in the *Journal of Imaging Science
and Technology *with a reprint of the paper in the EI Proceedings.

(2) *Presentation-only option*: Authors who wish to present their results
without writing a paper may submit a 500- to 1000-word abstract. This
option allows for “late-breaking” news/results.

Accepted papers will be recommended for either a full paper or poster
paper. The authors should prepare a 6-10 pages final manuscript and an oral
presentation for the full papers, and a 4-6 pages manuscript and a poster
presentation for the poster papers. Both full papers and poster papers will
be published in a bound proceedings published by IS&E. In addition, papers
accepted from the journal submission option will be published in the
Journal of Imaging Science and Technology.

*Conference papers are accepted on all topics of data visualization,
including, but not limited to*:

   - biomedical visualization
   - case studies and empirical studies
   - cyber-security
   - data mining
   - exploratory data visualization and analysis
   - geographic visualization
   - graph visualization
   - high-performance computing and visualization
   - image processing
   - information visualization
   - multivariate time series visualization
   - scientific visualization
   - sentiment analysis
   - social media
   - virtual and augmented reality
   - human factors
   - volume and flow visualization

*Conference Chairs: *

David Kao, NASA Ames Research Center

Thomas Wischgoll, Wright State University

Song Zhang, Mississippi State University

*Conference website:*   vda-conference.org

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