[Ieee_vis] DEXIS 2015 Call for Papers

Tobias Isenberg tobias.isenberg at inria.fr
Thu Jul 2 14:14:08 CEST 2015

                             CALL FOR PAPERS

                                DEXIS 2015
       Workshop on Visual Data Exploration on Interactive Surfaces

                      November 15, 2015 - Madeira, Portugal

                        in conjunction with ITS 2015

             *** Submission Deadline: September 4, 2015 ***

We invite you to join DEXIS 2015 - a workshop on Visual Data Exploration
on Interactive Surfaces, held in conjunction with ITS 2015 on the
wonderful island of Madeira in Portugal on November 15, 2015.

DEXIS 2015 focuses on the use of interactive surfaces for visual data
exploration. Interactive tabletops and surfaces provide are more and
more commonly used for data visualization and analysis, and hence offer
rich opportunities to researchers and practitioners. They provide
benefits in various ways, e.g.,

* data can be accessed and analyzed anywhere, any time (e.g., on
  tablets or on public displays),
* novel visualization designs and interaction experiences contribute to
  richer user experience, promoting the use of visualization systems
  even to non-experts, and
* data analysis is increasingly turning into a collaborative process,
  and interactive surfaces offer promising possibilities for computer-
  supported collaborative analysis.

Despite these benefits, much remains to be learned about the effects of
providing a visual data exploration experience on interactive surfaces:
Interactive surfaces often come in the forms of larger screens, smaller
screens, more screens, higher pixel counts, and multiple simultaneous
inputs, all of which create demanding challenges for designing
visualization and interaction techniques. In addition, we need to learn
more about designing surface-based visualization systems for richer user
experience, find out about scenarios that are suited for such systems,
and unveil the added value of surface-based visualization applications
in realistic settings.

As the second iteration of the first DEXIS workshop held at ITS 2011,
we will discuss & reflect on research dedicated to visualization systems
for interactive surfaces, define open research questions in the field,
and refine research agendas aiming to shape future research in the field.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

* design of information visualization, scientific visualization, or
  visual analytics interfaces and environments for interactive
* design of interactive visual representations for collaborative work
  on interactive surfaces,
* design of multi-display environments for data analysis,
* the use of interactive surfaces to visualize and interact with
  information and data,
* guidelines and best practices for visualization and analysis
  environments on interactive surfaces,
* visual analysis and exploration for a wider range of audiences using
  emerging display technology,
* aspects of cognition in interactive visualization and visual analysis
* evaluation of interaction in single- or multi-user information
  visualization, scientific visualization, and visual analytics
* collaborative visualization and visual analytics systems with
  interactive surfaces,
* collaborative sensemaking & decision making and
  its connection to interactive surfaces, and
* comparative experiences of visualization on desktop and visualization
  on interactive surfaces.

Submission Instructions
We accept position papers of up to 4 pages submitted in the SIGCHI Paper
format (http://www.sigchi.org/publications/chipubform) through the CMT
submission system (https://cmt.research.microsoft.com/DEXIS2015).

They will be reviewed by the program committee, and accepted papers will
be sent back to the authors for finalization. They will be published in
the workshop web site prior to the event.

Important Dates
Submission deadline: Sep 4, 2015
Notification of Acceptance: Sep 25, 2015
Camera-ready deadline: Oct 9, 2015
Workshop date: Nov 15, 2015

Workshop Chairs
Petra Isenberg - INRIA, France
Bongshin Lee - Microsoft Research, USA
Alark Joshi - University of San Francisco, USA
Tobias Isenberg - INRIA, France

For any questions regarding the workshop,
contact dexisws2015 at gmail.com

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