[Ieee_vis] BioVis'15 CFP: Data Contest and Design Contest

cfp at vgtc.org cfp at vgtc.org
Tue Feb 10 22:28:48 CET 2015

BioVis'15 The 5th Symposium on Biology Data Visualization
                           www.biovis.net [1]
              10-11 July, 2015, Dublin, Ireland
Co-located with ISMB 2015, as an official SIG of ISMB

BioVis'15 CFP: Data Contest and Design
Contest http://biovis.net/year/2015/info/overview
[2]http://biovis.net/year/2015/design-contest [3]
Would you like to help biologists understand one of the fundamental
mysteries of how small differences in our genomes create the wildly
different individuals that we are?

If you're interested, BioVis has two exciting challenges for you to compete
in, win prizes, get published, and help move research forward.  This
year's BioVis contests center around the properties of Ribonucleic Acid
(RNA). RNA is commonly thought of as the biological carbon-copy used to
carry information from the genome to the protein machinery of life.  But,
in addition to simply being a symbolic transcription language for the
genome, RNA also performs important functions and carries other messages in
properties such as its structure.

This year's BioVis *Design* challenge poses the question of how to best
represent RNA structure, and potentially the panoply of structures that an
RNA molecule can form, with the goal of helping researchers understand the
similarities and differences between different RNA molecules.

This year's BioVis *Data Analysis* challenge takes things one step further,
and asks whether you can figure out the structural, or other physical
properties of different RNA molecules that predispose some individuals
towards disease, and others towards health.  If you've got a good idea for
the Design challenge, you can test its real-world application in the Data
Analysis challenge, and maybe even solve a pressing health question
regarding epilepsy!

If you'd like to learn more about the kinds of issues researchers face in
trying to understand RNA structure, you can watch our short YouTube
presentation here: 

More information about the BioVis contests, the data for the contests, and
how you can submit your entry, is available from the BioVis website: 

The submission deadline is May 1st, 2015.  We welcome both individual and
group entries containing anything from clever ideas to full implemented
solutions.  The best entries will be invited to give a presentation at the
BioVis meeting during the ISMB 2015, and selected entries will be invited
to publish full papers.

If you have any questions about the contest, the contest data, or about
your prospective entry, please don't hesitate to contact
us.  Contact: contest at biovis.net [6].

Submission deadline: May 1st, 2015, 5pm PST.

The Data Contest chairs:
* Raghu Machiraju, The Ohio State University, USA
* William Ray, The Ohio State University, USA
* Jason Bohland, Boston University, USA  The Design Contest chairs:
* Eamonn Maguire, Oxford University, UK
* Ryo Sakai, Leuven University, Belgium 

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[1] http://www.biovis.net/
[2] http://biovis.net/year/2015/info/overview
[3] http://biovis.net/year/2015/design-contest
[4] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1UbIUZ8k9o
[5] http://www.biovis.net/
[6] mailto:contest at biovis.net
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