[Ieee_vis] Wolfgang Strasser passed away

Andreas Schilling schilling at uni-tuebingen.de
Wed Feb 4 12:32:49 CET 2015

It is with deep regret that I have to inform you about the sudden and unexpected death of Wolfgang Strasser. He was one of the pioneers of computer graphics and visualization in Germany. He was doctor-father (supervisor) to Dirk Bartz, who created this mailing list, and no less than 19 of his former PhD students and postdocs have meanwhile achieved faculty status of their own as professors and full professors on renowned chairs.
We will miss Wolfgang as a great colleague and friend.

Andreas Schilling

A more extended obituary can be found on http://www.gris.uni-tuebingen.de/?L=3

Prof. Dr. Andreas Schilling
Universitaet Tuebingen
Visual Computing
Sand 14, C430
72076 Tuebingen
email: schilling at uni-tuebingen.de<mailto:schilling at uni-tuebingen.de>
tel.: +49 7071 29 75462

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