[Ieee_vis] Call For Participation: VIS 2014 Workshop on Provenance for Sensemaking (details are now online)

Kai Xu K.Xu at mdx.ac.uk
Mon Nov 3 23:22:53 CET 2014

Call for Participation: VIS 2014 Workshop on Provenance for Sensemaking


10 November 2014, Paris, France

=== Update ===

The following information is now on the workshop webpage
- Agenda
- Keynote
- Discussion
- Accepted papers (full PDF version)

Hope to see you next week,



=== Introduction ===

During complex analysis tasks, it can be valuable to maintain a history of the data and reasoning involved - referred to as ‘provenance’ information. Provenance information can be a resource for "reflection-in-action" during analysis, supporting collaboration between analysts, and reporting to decision makers. It can also act as a resource after the event, supporting the interpretation of claims, audit, accountability and training. 

There has been considerable work on capturing and visualizing of ‘data provenance’, which focuses on data collection and computation, and ‘analytic provenance’, which captures the interactive data exploration and reasoning process. However, there is limited work of utilizing such provenance information to support sensemaking, in terms of improving efficacy and avoiding pitfalls such as issues of data quality and human bias. 

This workshop aims to bring together researchers involved in visual analytics and various aspects of sensemaking to consider emerging positions, questions, and findings related to the capture, processing, representation and use of provenance information to support complex sensemaking tasks. The emphasis is on discussion and collaboration, with a goal of collaboratively producing a paper describing the state-of-the-art of provenance for sensemaking following the workshop.

Email prov4sense at easychair.org for any enquiry.

=== Workshop Format (Half Day) ===

We solicit extended abstracts (statements of position or current work). Accepted authors will be asked to be present these as posters at the workshop. The abstracts will be used to stimulate discussion topics. This will form the basis of parallel breakout groups intended to explore and develop the thinking. We aim to collaboratively produce a paper covering these topics following the workshop. 

=== Example Topics ===

- Data/analytic/sensemaking provenance capture and visualization.
- Inferring sensemaking provenance from interaction data
- User studies related to provenance recording and use
- Using provenance to support reasoning/argumentation/reporting
- Narrative construction and story telling
- Distributed sensemaking
- Uncertain and data quality provenance during sensemaking
- Cognitive bias and sensemaking 
- Application of sensemaking and provenance in application domains

=== Organizers ===

Kai Xu, Middlesex University, UK
Simon Attfield, Middlesex University, UK
T.J. Jankun-Kelly, Mississippi State University, USA

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