[Ieee_vis] Survey on affective response to Japanese typefaces - Call for participation

J Caldwell caldwelj at byu.edu
Tue Mar 11 18:14:10 CET 2014

[Apologies for cross-posting; please forward to colleagues who may be

Dear colleagues,

Brigham Young University has been engaged in researching the emotional
effects of visual characteristics in typefaces. Our research activities
relate to providing a systematic explanation for why specific typeface
features have specific emotion responses. Research has focused on Roman
typefaces and indicated a correlation between specific typeface features
(variety vs. contrast vs. pattern) and specific emotional parameters
(amusement vs. agitation vs. focus). 

We are now carrying out an evaluation on the affective response to Japanese
typefaces. To this purpose, we have designed two online questionnaires,
available through the following links:

Hiragana typeface survey -
Katakana typeface survey -

All questions in the questionnaires are strictly confidential and will only
be used for research and scientific purposes. Each questionnaire is
anonymous and will be open until the 31st of March 2014. We would greatly
appreciate your further assistance in sharing the survey links with other
colleagues of yours if you find it interesting.

Upon completion of the survey, we would be more than happy to share the
results with you. These will also be included in a forthcoming paper to
presented at an IEEE Professional Communication Conference.

Thank you very much in advance for your collaboration and valuable feedback!

Joshua Caldwell
Brigham Young University
Joshua_Caldwell at byu.edu

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