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Fri Jun 27 22:24:21 CEST 2014

 IEEE VIS 2014http://ieeevis.org***************************************

- Hotel reservation is now open.- Registration will open in a
week*************************************** CALL FOR PARTICIPATION:
SIX WORKSHOPS * Death of the Desktop – Envisioning Visualization
without Desktop Computing
* Provenance for Sensemaking
* DECISIVe : Dealing with Cognitive Biases in Visualisations
* Towards An Open Visualization Literacy Testing Platform
* Visualization for Predictive Analytics
* Visualizing Electronic Health Record Data
For submission deadlines, please see links below.  


Yvonne Jansen, Petra Isenberg, Jason Dykes, Sheelagh Carpendale, Sriram
Subramanian, Daniel Keefe

beyond.wallviz.dk [1]

The Desktop computer is dead. Monitors sit on desks, unplugged - hosting
layers of Post-It notes or gathering dust as a retro emergency low-light
mirror. Visualization is colourful, big, tangible, nosy, interactive,
compelling and everywhere. It supports all sorts of creative activity and
is key to problem solving in education, science, government and industry.

But how?

What is your 'imagined future' for visualization?

We will be exploring possible visualization scenarios with short but rich
scenarios in which designers, practitioners and researchers creatively
explore opportunities for 'beyond-the-desktop' visualization. We will be
discussing these and using them to develop the community’s perspective on
the future of VIS.

For the detailed workshop description, submission details, and program
please visit the workshop website at beyond.wallviz.dk   


Kai Xu, Simon Attfield, T.J. Jankun-Kelly

http://www.cs.mdx.ac.uk/prov4sense/ [2]


During complex sensemaking and analysis task, it can be valuable to
maintain a history of the processes and transformations involved - referred
to as ‘provenance’ information. Provenance information can be a
resource for "reflection-in-action" during analyses, for supporting
planning and reframing of objectives and scope. It can also be a resource
after the event, supporting the interpretation of claims, audit,
accountability or training.

There has been considerable work on capturing and visualizing of ‘data
provenance’, which focuses on data collection and computation, and
‘analytic provenance’, which captures the interactive data exploration
process. However, there is limited work of utilizing these provenance
information to support sensemaking, in terms of improving its efficacy and
avoid pitfalls such as data quality issue and human bias.

This workshop aims to bring together researchers involved in visual
analytics and various aspects of sensemaking to consider emerging
positions, questions, and findings related to the capture, processing,
representation and use of provenance information to support complex
sensemaking tasks. The emphasis is on discussion and collaboration, with a
goal to produce a paper describing the state-of-the-art of provenance for
sensemaking after the workshop.   


Geoffrey Ellis, David Peebles, Donald Kretz, Gaëlle Lortal

 Our inherent reliance on mental shortcuts, or heuristics, sometimes
results in deviations in judgment from what rational decision models would
predict. These deviations are known as cognitive biases. Heuristics allow
us to make “good enough” decisions without expending all of our
cognitive effort on the task, however, in critical decision environments,
“good enough” is often NOT good enough. Visualization tools are
increasingly adept at making sense of complex data, but researchers who
study cognitive biases have come to realize that the quality of decisions
made with these tools are often impaired because tool designers fail to
address how heuristics and biases operate in a human-computer interactive
setting. The aim of this workshop is to bring together a wide range of
researchers and developers from domains such as information visualization,
visual analytics and cognitive psychology to explore some of the ways in
which biases impact user performance and share ideas and experiences about
practical ways to reduce or overcome these potentially harmful effects in
the systems we build.    


Sung-Hee Kim, Jeremy Boy, Sukwon Lee, Ji Soo Yi, and Niklas Elmqvist

http://visualizationliteracy.org [3]

We propose a hands-on workshop where participants will learn about and
discuss visualization literacy by actually designing and evaluating
questions for a visualization literacy measure. Though the value of
information visualization is becoming apparent to a broad audience,
visualization researchers often acknowledge that people have different
levels of understanding of visualization techniques. In other words, our
understanding of how users interpret visualizations has not caught up with
design and technical developments, and even the concept of visualization
literacy is still debated. Different domains of research, such as
mathematics education, cognitive science, and psychology, have been
approaching this problem within their domain. We believe that researchers
in information visualization and visual analytics should lead the effort in
defining the concept, and in creating valid and practical measurement
tools. The goal of our workshop is to take a step in this direction by
developing a better understanding of visualization literacy, identifying
possible metrics for evaluation, and raising new questions for future
research through the design and evaluation of visualization literacy tests.
The outcome of our workshop will be a participatory web-platform for
collectively created visualization literacy tests and questionnaires that
can directly be used by researchers in our community.         


E. Bertini, A. Perer, R. Maciejewski, J. Sun

http://predictive-workshop.github.io [4]


One of the surprising facts of much current visualization research is that
prediction does not often play a significant role. Most visualization
research seems to focus exclusively on data analysis and presentation, with
little support for predictive analytics and the numerous models researchers
have developed for this purpose. Upon reflection, this comes as a surprise
as many scientific endeavors and many business problems are mostly
concerned with prediction.  Looking more closely at the recent
advancements (and tremendous popularity) of Data Science, one may recognize
that the vast majority of problems addressed involve some form of
prediction and modelling. Notable examples are: prediction of drug
effectiveness in drug development, prediction of diseases in healthcare,
prediction of crime in city management.Our goals are to increase the
awareness about this interesting opportunity for visualization research,
collect and compare examples of existing and ongoing research in this area
and to for visual analytics researchers.  The workshop will allow
participants to showcase their existing research and ideas and to learn and
reflect on the latest advances in visualization of predictive models. 


Catherine Plaisant, Silvia Miksch, Theresia Gschwandtner, Sana Malik

http://www.cs.umd.edu/hcil/parisehrvis [5]

Electronic Health Record (EHR) databases contain millions of patient
records including events such as diagnoses, test results, or medication
prescriptions. These records are an invaluable data source for clinical
research and improvement of clinical quality, as they provide longitudinal
health information about patient populations. The use of EHR databases
could be dramatically improved if easy-to-use interfaces allowed clinical
researchers and quality improvement analysts to explore complex patterns in
order to build and test hypotheses regarding the benefits, risks, and
appropriateness of treatments or medication regimens.


Novel strategies in information visualization and visual analytics are
needed.  The interest in this topic is growing at very rapid pace and is
very interdisciplinary by nature, both in term of field (medicine and
computer science) but also research environment (academic research as well
as industry and government agencies). Because of the European location of
the conference, we have a unique opportunity to create bridges and explore
new collaborations between groups that would have never met
otherwise.   VIS'14 WORKSHOP CHAIRSNathalie Henry Riche, Microsoft
Research RedmondTobias Isenberg, INRIA Saclay – Île-de-FranceTobias
Schreck, University of KonstanzZoė J. Wood, California Polytechnic For
further information, please email workshops at ieeevis.org [6]. 

Message sent via Atmail Open - http://atmail.org/

[1] http://beyond.wallviz.dk/
[2] http://www.cs.mdx.ac.uk/prov4sense/
[3] http://visualizationliteracy.org/
[4] http://predictive-workshop.github.io/
[5] http://www.cs.umd.edu/hcil/parisehrvis
[6] mailto:workshops at ieeevis.org
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